{ +-------------------------------------------------------------+ } { | | } { | GM-Software | } { | =========== | } { | | } { | Project: All Projects | } { | | } { | Description: Xml Path implementations. | } { | | } { | | } { | Copyright (C) - 2015 - Gerrit Moeller. | } { | | } { | Source code distributed under MIT license. | } { | | } { | See: https://www.gm-software.de | } { | | } { +-------------------------------------------------------------+ } {$INCLUDE GMCompilerSettings.inc} unit GMXmlPath; interface uses GMStrDef, GMCollections, GMIntf, GMCommon, GMXml; type //TNodeKind = (nkElement, nkAttribute, nkText); TXmlPathAxis = (xpaAncestor, xpaAncestorOrSelf, xpaAttribute, xpaChild, xpaDescendant, xpaDescendantOrSelf, xpaFollowing, xpaFollowingSibling, xpaNamespace, xpaParent, xpaPreceding, xpaPrecedingSibling, xpaSelf); //TXPathPredicate = (xppFirst, xppLast); TXmlPathExprStepEvalRec = record Axis: TXmlPathAxis; NodeTest: TGMString; Predicate: TGMString; // TXPathPredicate; end; TGMXmlPathEvaluator = class; IGMXmlPathEvaluator = interface(IUnknown) ['{1A2FA727-ACCF-4E95-933F-29F96E966411}'] function Obj: TGMXmlPathEvaluator; end; TGMXmlPathEvaluator = class(TGMRefCountedObj, IGMXmlPathEvaluator) protected FXml: IGMXmlTree; FMatchingEntries: IGMIntfCollection; procedure IterateMatchingNodes(const AXmlPathExpression: TGMString; const AContextNode: IUnknown; const AStepEval: TXmlPathExprStepEvalRec); procedure EvaluateNextLocationStep(const AXmlPathExpression: TGMString; AContextNode: IUnknown); procedure EvaluateXPathSingleExpression(const AXmlPathExpression: TGMString; AContextNode: IUnknown); public constructor Create(const ARefLifeTime: Boolean = True); overload; override; constructor Create(const AXml: IGMXmlTree; const AMatchingEntries: IGMIntfCollection; const ARefLifeTime: Boolean = True); reintroduce; overload; function Obj: TGMXmlPathEvaluator; procedure EvaluateXmlPathExpression(const AXmlPathExpression: TGMString; AContextNode: IUnknown); end; EGMXmlPathException = class(EGMException); procedure EvaluateXmlPathExpression(const AXmlPathExpression: TGMString; const AXml: IGMXmlTree; const AContextNode: IUnknown; const AMatchingEntries: IGMIntfCollection); const cXmlPathUnionSep = '|'; cXmlPathStepSep = '/'; cAxisLiterals: array [TXmlPathAxis] of TGMString = ('Ancestor','Ancestor-Or-Self', 'Attribute', 'Child', 'Descendant', 'Descendant-Or-Self', 'Following', 'Following-Sibling', 'Namespace', 'Parent', 'Preceding', 'Preceding-Sibling', 'Self'); implementation uses TypInfo; resourcestring RStrInvalidAxisNameFmt = 'Invalid XPath axis name: "%s"'; RStrdAxisNotImplemented = 'XPath Axis "%s" not implemented yet'; //RStrPredicatesNotImplemented = 'Predicates not implemented yet'; type TXmlPathAxisNameObj = class; IXPathAxisNameObj = interface(IUnknown) ['{BBB808B5-6929-449C-8D5E-5B0CC0280438}'] function Obj: TXmlPathAxisNameObj; end; TXmlPathAxisNameObj = class(TGMNameObj, IGMGetName, IXPathAxisNameObj) // TGMRefCountedObj protected FAxis: TXmlPathAxis; // FName: TGMString; public constructor Create(const AAxis: TXmlPathAxis; const AName: TGMString; const ARefLifeTime: Boolean = True); reintroduce; overload; function Obj: TXmlPathAxisNameObj; // function GetName: TGMString; stdcall; end; var vXPathAxisLiterals: IGMIntfCollection = nil; { ------------------------- } { ---- Global Routines ---- } { ------------------------- } function XPathAxisLiterals: IGMIntfCollection; var a: TXmlPathAxis; begin if vXPathAxisLiterals = nil then begin vXPathAxisLiterals := TGMIntfArrayCollection.Create(False, True, GMCompareByName); for a:=Low(a) to High(a) do vXPathAxisLiterals.Add(TXmlPathAxisNameObj.Create(a, cAxisLiterals[a])); end; Result := vXPathAxisLiterals; end; function ParseStepEvalData(const AEvalStepExpression: TGMString; const ADefaultAxis: TXmlPathAxis; const ACaller: TObject): TXmlPathExprStepEvalRec; var pScanAxis, pScanPredicate: PGMChar; axisName: TGMString; searchName: RGMNameObj; foundEntry: IUnknown; axisEntry: IXPathAxisNameObj; len: Integer; isVerboseSyntax: Boolean; begin FillByte(Result, SizeOf(Result), 0); Result.Axis := ADefaultAxis; isVerboseSyntax := False; // // Search for axis specification in verbose syntax // pScanAxis := GMStrLScan(PGMChar(AEvalStepExpression), ':', Length(AEvalStepExpression)); if pScanAxis <> nil then begin Inc(pScanAxis); if pScanAxis^ = ':' then begin SetString(axisName, PGMChar(AEvalStepExpression), pScanAxis - PGMChar(AEvalStepExpression) - 1); searchName.Name := axisName; if not XPathAxisLiterals.Find(searchName, foundEntry) then raise EGMXmlPathException.ObjError(GMFormat(RStrInvalidAxisNameFmt, [axisName]), ACaller, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}) else if GMQueryInterface(foundEntry, IXPathAxisNameObj, axisEntry) then Result.Axis := axisEntry.Obj.FAxis; Inc(pScanAxis); isVerboseSyntax := True; end; end; // // check for abbreviated axis syntax if no axis has been specified in verbose syntax // if not isVerboseSyntax then begin pScanAxis := PGMChar(AEvalStepExpression); if pScanAxis^ = '@' then begin Result.Axis := xpaAttribute; Inc(pScanAxis); end else if pScanAxis^ = '.' then begin Inc(pScanAxis); if pScanAxis^ = '.' then begin Result.Axis := xpaParent; Inc(pScanAxis); end else Result.Axis := xpaSelf; end; end; pScanPredicate := GMStrLScan(pScanAxis, '[', PGMChar(AEvalStepExpression) + Length(AEvalStepExpression) - pScanAxis); if pScanPredicate <> nil then SetString(Result.Predicate, pScanPredicate, PGMChar(AEvalStepExpression) + Length(AEvalStepExpression) - pScanPredicate); // raise EGMXmlPathException.ObjError(RStrPredicatesNotImplemented, ACAller, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); if pScanPredicate = nil then len := PGMChar(AEvalStepExpression) + Length(AEvalStepExpression) - pScanAxis else len := pScanPredicate - pScanAxis; SetString(Result.NodeTest, pScanAxis, len); end; function IsNodeMatch(const ANode: IUnknown; const AEvalData: TXmlPathExprStepEvalRec): Boolean; begin if AEvalData.NodeTest = '*' then Result := True else Result := GMSameText(GMGetIntfName(ANode), AEvalData.NodeTest); end; function IsAttributeMatch(const AAttribute: IUnknown; const AEvalData: TXmlPathExprStepEvalRec): Boolean; begin if AEvalData.NodeTest = '*' then Result := True else Result := GMSameText(GMGetIntfName(AAttribute), AEvalData.NodeTest); end; { ----------------------------- } { ---- TXmlPathAxisNameObj ---- } { ----------------------------- } constructor TXmlPathAxisNameObj.Create(const AAxis: TXmlPathAxis; const AName: TGMString; const ARefLifeTime: Boolean); begin inherited Create(ARefLifeTime); FAxis := AAxis; FName := AName; end; function TXmlPathAxisNameObj.Obj: TXmlPathAxisNameObj; begin Result := Self; end; //function TXmlPathAxisNameObj.GetName: TGMString; //begin // Result := FName; //end; { ----------------------------- } { ---- TGMXmlPathEvaluator ---- } { ----------------------------- } constructor TGMXmlPathEvaluator.Create(const ARefLifeTime: Boolean); begin inherited Create(ARefLifeTime); end; constructor TGMXmlPathEvaluator.Create(const AXml: IGMXmlTree; const AMatchingEntries: IGMIntfCollection; const ARefLifeTime: Boolean); begin Create(ARefLifeTime); FXml := AXml; FMatchingEntries := AMatchingEntries; end; function TGMXmlPathEvaluator.Obj: TGMXmlPathEvaluator; begin Result := Self; end; procedure TGMXmlPathEvaluator.IterateMatchingNodes(const AXmlPathExpression: TGMString; const AContextNode: IUnknown; const AStepEval: TXmlPathExprStepEvalRec); var ctxNode: IGMXmlNode; nodeIt: IGMIterator; unkNode: IUnknown; procedure ProcessAttributes(const ANode: IGMXmlNode); var attIt: IGMIterator; unkAtt: IUnknown; begin if ANode = nil then Exit; attIt := ANode.Obj.Attributes.CreateIterator; while attIt.NextEntry(unkAtt) do if IsAttributeMatch(unkAtt, AStepEval) then FMatchingEntries.Add(unkAtt); end; procedure ProcessNodeMatch(const ANode: IUnknown); begin if Length(AXmlPathExpression) <= 0 then FMatchingEntries.Add(ANode) else EvaluateNextLocationStep(AXmlPathExpression, ANode); end; begin if not GMQueryInterface(AContextNode, IGMXmlNode, ctxNode) then Exit; case AStepEval.Axis of xpaAttribute: ProcessAttributes(ctxNode); xpaChild: begin nodeIt := ctxNode.Obj.Subnodes.CreateIterator; while nodeIt.NextEntry(unkNode) do if IsNodeMatch(unkNode, AStepEval) then ProcessNodeMatch(unkNode); end; xpaSelf: ProcessNodeMatch(ctxNode); xpaParent: ProcessNodeMatch(ctxNode.Obj.Parent); xpaAncestor, xpaAncestorOrSelf: begin if AStepEval.Axis = xpaAncestor then ctxNode := ctxNode.Obj.Parent; while ctxNode <> nil do begin ProcessNodeMatch(ctxNode); ctxNode := ctxNode.Obj.Parent; end; end; else raise EGMXmlPathException.ObjError(GMFormat(RStrdAxisNotImplemented, [GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TXmlPathAxis), Ord(AStepEval.Axis))]), Self, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); end; end; procedure TGMXmlPathEvaluator.EvaluateNextLocationStep(const AXmlPathExpression: TGMString; AContextNode: IUnknown); var locationStepExpr, remainingExpr: TGMString; pStartCh, pChScan, pChEnd: PGMChar; dfltAxis: TXmlPathAxis; stepEval: TXmlPathExprStepEvalRec; begin dfltAxis := xpachild; pStartCh := PGMChar(AXmlPathExpression); if pStartCh^ = cXmlPathStepSep then begin Inc(pStartCh); if pStartCh^ = cXmlPathStepSep then begin dfltAxis := xpaDescendant; Inc(pStartCh); end; // pStartCh := pStartCh + 1; end; pChScan := GMStrLScan(pStartCh, cXmlPathStepSep, PGMChar(AXmlPathExpression) + Length(AXmlPathExpression) - pStartCh); if pChScan <> nil then pChEnd := pChScan else pChEnd := PGMChar(AXmlPathExpression) + Length(AXmlPathExpression); SetString(locationStepExpr, pStartCh, pChEnd - pStartCh); stepEval := ParseStepEvalData(locationStepExpr, dfltAxis, Self); SetString(remainingExpr, pChEnd, PGMChar(AXmlPathExpression) + Length(AXmlPathExpression) - pChEnd); IterateMatchingNodes(remainingExpr, AContextNode, stepEval); end; procedure TGMXmlPathEvaluator.EvaluateXPathSingleExpression(const AXmlPathExpression: TGMString; AContextNode: IUnknown); begin if (FXml = nil) or (Length(AXmlPathExpression) <= 0) then Exit; if AXmlPathExpression[1] = cXmlPathStepSep then AContextNode := FXml.Obj.RootNode; EvaluateNextLocationStep(AXmlPathExpression, AContextNode); end; procedure TGMXmlPathEvaluator.EvaluateXmlPathExpression(const AXmlPathExpression: TGMString; AContextNode: IUnknown); var expression: TGMString; pStartCh, pChScan, pChEnd: PGMChar; begin if (FXml = nil) or (Length(AXmlPathExpression) <= 0) then Exit; if AContextNode = nil then AContextNode := FXml.Obj.RootNode; pStartCh := PGMChar(AXmlPathExpression); repeat pChScan := GMStrLScan(pStartCh, cXmlPathUnionSep, PGMChar(AXmlPathExpression) + Length(AXmlPathExpression) - pStartCh); if pChScan <> nil then pChEnd := pChScan else pChEnd := PGMChar(AXmlPathExpression) + Length(AXmlPathExpression); SetString(expression, pStartCh, pChEnd - pStartCh); // expression := GMStrip(expression); <- would prevent specifying spaces at the end if Length(expression) > 0 then EvaluateXPathSingleExpression(expression, AContextNode); pStartCh := pChEnd; if pChScan <> nil then Inc(pStartCh); // pStartCh := pStartCh + 1; until pChScan = nil; end; { ---------------- } { ---- Global ---- } { ---------------- } procedure EvaluateXmlPathExpression(const AXmlPathExpression: TGMString; const AXml: IGMXmlTree; const AContextNode: IUnknown; const AMatchingEntries: IGMIntfCollection); var xpathEvaluator: IGMXmlPathEvaluator; begin xpathEvaluator := TGMXmlPathEvaluator.Create(AXml, AMatchingEntries); xpathEvaluator.Obj.EvaluateXmlPathExpression(AXmlPathExpression, AContextNode); end; initialization XPathAxisLiterals; // <- Create in Main Thread! end.