{ +-------------------------------------------------------------+ } { | | } { | GM-Software | } { | =========== | } { | | } { | Project: All Projects | } { | | } { | Description: Implementation of the SMTP protocol. | } { | https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5321 | } { | | } { | Copyright (C) - 2013 - Gerrit Moeller. | } { | | } { | Source code distributed under MIT license. | } { | | } { | See: https://www.gm-software.de | } { | | } { +-------------------------------------------------------------+ } {$INCLUDE GMCompilerSettings.inc} {.$DEFINE AUTH_CRAM_MD5} unit GMSmtp; interface uses {$IFDEF JEDIAPI}{$IFNDEF FPC}jwaWinType,{$ENDIF}{$ELSE}Windows,{$ENDIF} GMStrDef, GMActiveX, GMIntf, GMCommon, GMINetBase, GMSockets; const cSmtpDfltPort = '25'; cMaxMailLineLen = 998; cMailTerm: AnsiString = '.'; type EGMSmtpException = class(EGMINetException); TSmtpExtension = (seAuth, seSize, se8Bit); TSmtpAuthKind = ({$IFDEF AUTH_CRAM_MD5}sakCramMd5,{$ENDIF} sakPlain, sakLogin); TSmtpAuthKinds = set of TSmtpAuthKind; TGMSmtpClient = class; IGMSmtpClient = interface(IUnknown) ['{0BEA826F-4B28-4F53-9C3E-A8FD7C6DE78F}'] function Obj: TGMSmtpClient; end; TGMSmtpClient = class(TGMINetProtocolBase, IGMSmtpClient) protected FHelloMsgHandshakeDone: Boolean; FAuthKinds: TSmtpAuthKinds; FServerMaxMsgSize: LongInt; F8BitMime: Boolean; FOwnAddr: TGMString; FTransportLayer: ISequentialStream; function IsHeaderTermLine(const ALine: AnsiString): Boolean; override; procedure SendTextBody(const AText: TGMString); procedure ParseForExtensions(const ALines: TGMStringArray); procedure DoHelloMsgHandshake; public constructor Create(const ARefLifeTime: Boolean = True); overload; override; constructor Create(const ATransportLayer: ISequentialStream; const AOwnAddr: TGMString; const ARefLifeTime: Boolean = True); reintroduce; overload; function ProtocolDisplayName: TGMString; override; destructor Destroy; override; function Obj: TGMSmtpClient; procedure Login(const AUsername, APassword: TGMString); procedure SendMail(AFrom, ATo, ASubject, AText: TGMString); procedure Quit; procedure Reset; function Help(const ATopic: TGMString): TGMString; end; procedure GMSendMail(const AFrom, ATo, AHost, AUser, APwd, ASubject, AText: TGMString; const AAskCanceled: IUnknown = nil; APort: TGMString = ''); implementation uses SysUtils, GMCharCoding {$IFDEF TLS_SUPPORT}, GMOpenSSL{$ENDIF} {$IFDEF AUTH_CRAM_MD5}, GMWinCrypt{$ENDIF}; const cUnlimitedMsgSize = -1; resourcestring RStrAuthFailed = 'Authentication failed'; RStrMsgTooLarge = 'Message size %d exeeds maximum size (%d) supprted by the server'; { ------------------------- } { ---- Global Routines ---- } { ------------------------- } procedure GMSendMail(const AFrom, ATo, AHost, AUser, APwd, ASubject, AText: TGMString; const AAskCanceled: IUnknown; APort: TGMString); var socket: IGMSocket; smtp: IGMSmtpClient; strm: ISequentialStream; // host: TGMString; //uri, protocol, user, password, host, port, path, parameter: TGMString; begin //protocol := cStrHttp; //uri := GMSplitURL(AUrl, protocol, user, password, host, port, path, parameter); if Length(APort) <= 0 then APort := cSmtpDfltPort; socket := TGMTcpSocket.Create(vDfltInetAddrFamily, AAskCanceled); socket.Connect(AHost, APort); strm := TGMSocketStream.Create(socket); //host := Socket.LocalAddress.Obj.ResolvedHost; smtp := TGMSmtpClient.Create(strm, Socket.LocalAddress.Obj.ResolvedHost); smtp.Obj.Login(AUser, APwd); smtp.Obj.SendMail(AFrom, ATo, ASubject, AText); //httpRequest := TGMHttpClientRequest.Create(socket); //Result := httpRequest.Obj.Execute(scHttpMethodGET, uri, protocol); //Result := 0; end; function GMQuoteEMailaddress(const AEMailaddress: TGMString): TGMString; begin Result := '<' + GMStripRight(GMStripLeft(AEMailaddress, '<' + cWhiteSpace), '>' + cWhiteSpace) + '>'; end; { --------------------------------- } { ---- Authentication Routines ---- } { --------------------------------- } function SmtpAuthLogin(const AProtokol: TGMINetProtocolBase; const ATransportLayer: ISequentialStream; const AUsername, APassword: TGMString): Boolean; var cmdResponse: TCmdResponse; begin Result := False; if AProtokol = nil then Exit; cmdResponse := AProtokol.ExecCommandStr(ATransportLayer, 'AUTH LOGIN', cStrDigits); if cmdResponse.Code[1] <> '3' then Exit; vfGMTrace(cStrCommand + ': ' + '*hidden*', AProtokol.ProtocolDisplayName); cmdResponse := AProtokol.ExecCommandStr(ATransportLayer, GMEncodeBase64Str(AUsername), cStrDigits, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}, False); if cmdResponse.Code[1] <> '3' then Exit; vfGMTrace(cStrCommand + ': ' + '*hidden*', AProtokol.ProtocolDisplayName); cmdResponse := AProtokol.ExecCommandStr(ATransportLayer, GMEncodeBase64Str(APassword), cStrDigits, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}, False); Result := cmdResponse.Code[1] = '2'; end; function SmtpAuthPlain(const AProtokol: TGMINetProtocolBase; const ATransportLayer: ISequentialStream; const AUsername, APassword: TGMString): Boolean; var cmdResponse: TCmdResponse; begin Result := False; if AProtokol = nil then Exit; vfGMTrace(cStrCommand + ': ' + 'AUTH PLAIN *hidden*', AProtokol.ProtocolDisplayName); cmdResponse := AProtokol.ExecCommandStr(ATransportLayer, 'AUTH PLAIN ' + GMEncodeBase64Str(#0 + AUsername + #0 + APassword), cStrDigits, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}, False); Result := cmdResponse.Code[1] = '2'; end; {$IFDEF AUTH_CRAM_MD5} function AuthCramMd5(const ASmtp: TGMSmtpClient; const AUsername, APassword: TGMString): Boolean; var cmdResponse: TCmdResponse; line, authVal: ansistring; begin Result := False; cmdResponse := ASmtp.ExecCommandStr(ASmtp.FTransportLayer, 'AUTH CRAM-MD5', cStrDigits); if cmdResponse.Code[1] <> '3' then Exit; line := cmdResponse.Text[Low(cmdResponse.Text)]; authVal := AUsername + ' ' + GMStrToHexStr(GMHmacMd5(GMDecodeBase64Str(Copy(line, 5, Length(line) - 4)), APassword)); cmdResponse := ASmtp.ExecCommandStr(ASmtp.FNetStream, GMEncodeBase64Str(authVal), cStrDigits); Result := cmdResponse.Code[1] = '2'; end; {$ENDIF} { ----------------------- } { ---- TGMSmtpClient ---- } { ----------------------- } type TAuthFunc = function (const AProtokol: TGMINetProtocolBase; const ATransportLayer: ISequentialStream; const AUsername, APassword: TGMString): Boolean; TAuthData = record Verb: TGMString; Func: TAuthFunc; end; const cAuthData: array [TSmtpAuthKind] of TAuthData = ( {$IFDEF AUTH_CRAM_MD5}(Verb: 'CRAM-MD5'; Func: AuthCramMd5),{$ENDIF} (Verb: 'PLAIN'; Func: SmtpAuthPlain), (Verb: 'LOGIN'; Func: SmtpAuthLogin)); constructor TGMSmtpClient.Create(const ARefLifeTime: Boolean); begin inherited Create(ARefLifeTime); FServerMaxMsgSize := cUnlimitedMsgSize; end; constructor TGMSmtpClient.Create(const ATransportLayer: ISequentialStream; const AOwnAddr: TGMString; const ARefLifeTime: Boolean); begin Create(ARefLifeTime); // ATransportLayer FOwnAddr := GMStrip(AOwnAddr); if Length(FOwnAddr) <= 0 then FOwnAddr := GMThisComputerName; FOwnAddr := GMDeleteChars(FOwnAddr, cWhiteSpace); FTransportLayer := ATransportLayer; end; destructor TGMSmtpClient.Destroy; begin try Quit; except end; // <- never raise in destructors! inherited; end; function TGMSmtpClient.Obj: TGMSmtpClient; begin Result := Self; end; function TGMSmtpClient.ProtocolDisplayName: TGMString; begin Result := 'SMTP'; end; procedure TGMSmtpClient.Quit; begin ExecCommandStr(FTransportLayer, 'QUIT', '2'); FHelloMsgHandshakeDone := False; end; procedure TGMSmtpClient.Reset; begin ExecCommandStr(FTransportLayer, 'RSET', '2'); end; function TGMSmtpClient.IsHeaderTermLine(const ALine: AnsiString): Boolean; begin Result := (Length(ALine) <= 0) or (ALine = cMailTerm); end; function TGMSmtpClient.Help(const ATopic: TGMString): TGMString; var cmdResponse: TCmdResponse; cmd: AnsiString; begin cmd := 'HELP'; if Length(ATopic) > 0 then cmd := cmd + ' ' + ATopic; cmdResponse := ExecCommandStr(FTransportLayer, cmd, '2'); Result := GMStrArrayAsText(cmdResponse.Text); end; procedure TGMSmtpClient.ParseForExtensions(const ALines: TGMStringArray); const cSep = cWhiteSpace + '^?!%&/\()=?{}[]*+~#-.:,;|<>'; cExtAUTH = 'AUTH'; cExtSIZE = 'SIZE'; cExt8BitMime = '8BITMIME'; var i, chPos: PtrInt; token, extVerb: TGMString; a: TSmtpAuthKind; begin FAuthKinds := []; FServerMaxMsgSize := cUnlimitedMsgSize; F8BitMime := False; for i:=Low(ALines) to High(ALines) do begin chPos := 4; extVerb := GMNextWord(chPos, ALines[i], cWhiteSpace); // if GMFindToken(ALines[i], cExtAUTH, chPos, cSep) then if GMSameText(extVerb, cExtAUTH) then begin // Inc(chPos, Length(cExtAUTH)); repeat token := GMNextWord(chPos, ALines[i], cSep); if Length(token) > 0 then for a:=Low(cAuthData) to High(cAuthData) do if GMSameText(token, cAuthData[a].Verb) then Include(FAuthKinds, a); until length(token) <= 0; end else if GMSameText(extVerb, cExtSIZE) then begin // Inc(chPos, Length(cExtSIZE)); FServerMaxMsgSize := GMStrToInt(GMMakeDezInt(GMNextWord(chPos, ALines[i], cSep), cUnlimitedMsgSize)); end else if GMSameText(extVerb, cExt8BitMime) then F8BitMime := True; end; end; procedure TGMSmtpClient.DoHelloMsgHandshake; var cmdResponse: TCmdResponse; begin if FHelloMsgHandshakeDone then Exit; ExecCommandStr(FTransportLayer, '', '2'); // <- retrieve greeting message from server FAuthKinds := []; cmdResponse := ExecCommandStr(FTransportLayer, 'EHLO '+FOwnAddr, cStrDigits); try if cmdResponse.Code[1] = '2' then ParseForExtensions(cmdResponse.Text) else ExecCommandStr(FTransportLayer, 'HELO '+FOwnAddr, '2'); finally FHelloMsgHandshakeDone := True; end; end; procedure TGMSmtpClient.Login(const AUsername, APassword: TGMString); var a: TSmtpAuthKind; authenticated: Boolean; begin DoHelloMsgHandshake; authenticated := False; for a:=Low(a) to High(a) do if (a in FAuthKinds) and Assigned(cAuthData[a].Func) then begin authenticated := cAuthData[a].Func(Self, FTransportLayer, AUsername, APassword); if authenticated then Break; end; if (FAuthKinds <> []) and not authenticated then raise EGMSmtpException.ObjError(RStrAuthFailed, Self, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); end; function SendLine(const ALine: TGMString; const ALastLine: Boolean; const AData: Pointer): Boolean; var chPos, i: Integer; ansiLine: AnsiString; smtp: TGMSmtpClient; begin Result := True; if (AData = nil) or not (TObject(AData) is TGMSmtpClient) then Exit; smtp := TObject(AData) as TGMSmtpClient; ansiLine := ALine; if not smtp.F8BitMime then for i:=1 to Length(ansiLine) do ansiLine[i] := Chr(Ord(ansiLine[i]) and $7f); chPos := 1; repeat if chPos <= Length(ansiLine) then begin if ansiLine[chPos] = cMailTerm then GMSafeIStreamWrite(smtp.FTransportLayer, PAnsiChar(cMailTerm), Length(cMailTerm), {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); GMSafeIStreamWrite(smtp.FTransportLayer, @ansiLine[chPos], Max(0, Min(cMaxMailLineLen, Length(ansiLine) - chPos + 1)), {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); end; GMSafeIStreamWrite(smtp.FTransportLayer, PAnsiChar(CRLF), Length(CRLF), {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); Inc(chPos, cMaxMailLineLen); until chPos > Length(ansiLine); //ln := ansiLine + CRLF; //if (Length(ln) > 0) and (ln[1] = '.') then ln := '.' + ln; //GMSafeIStreamWrite(smtp.FTransportLayer, PAnsiChar(ln), Length(ln), {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); end; procedure TGMSmtpClient.SendTextBody(const AText: TGMString); begin GMParseLines(AText, SendLine, Self, True); end; procedure TGMSmtpClient.SendMail(AFrom, ATo, ASubject, AText: TGMString); var headers, cmdFrom, term: AnsiString; msgSize: LongInt; begin DoHelloMsgHandshake; AFrom := GMStrip(AFrom, '<>'); ATo := GMStrip(ATo, '<>'); GMAddINetHeader(HeadersToSend, 'Subject', ASubject); GMAddINetHeader(HeadersToSend, 'Date', GMEncodeUtcToINetTime(GMLocalTimeToUTC(Now), Self)); GMAddINetHeader(HeadersToSend, 'From', AFrom); GMAddINetHeader(HeadersToSend, 'To', ATo); headers := GMHeadersAsString(HeadersToSend) + CRLF; cmdFrom := 'MAIL FROM:' + GMQuoteEMailaddress(AFrom); if F8BitMime then cmdFrom := cmdFrom + ' BODY=8BITMIME'; if FServerMaxMsgSize >= 0 then begin msgSize := Length(headers) + Length(AText); if (FServerMaxMsgSize > 0) and (msgSize > FServerMaxMsgSize) then raise EGMSmtpException.ObjError(GMFormat(RStrMsgTooLarge, [msgSize, FServerMaxMsgSize]), Self, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); cmdFrom := cmdFrom + ' SIZE=' + IntToStr(msgSize); end; ExecCommandStr(FTransportLayer, cmdFrom, '2'); ExecCommandStr(FTransportLayer, 'RCPT TO:' + GMQuoteEMailaddress(ATo), '2'); ExecCommandStr(FTransportLayer, 'DATA', '3'); vfGMTrace(headers, ProtocolDisplayName); GMSafeIStreamWrite(FTransportLayer, PAnsiChar(headers), Length(headers), {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); vfGMTrace(GMMakeSingleLine(Atext, '<CRLF>', True), ProtocolDisplayName); if Length(AText) > 0 then SendTextBody(CRLF + AText); term := '.' + CRLF; GMSafeIStreamWrite(FTransportLayer, PAnsiChar(term), Length(term), {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); ExecCommandStr(FTransportLayer, '', '2'); end; end.