{ +-------------------------------------------------------------+ } { | | } { | GM-Software | } { | =========== | } { | | } { | Project: All Projects | } { | | } { | Description: SQLite3 convenience usage. | } { | | } { | | } { | Copyright (C) - 2021 - Gerrit Moeller. | } { | | } { | Source code distributed under MIT license. | } { | | } { | See: https://www.gm-software.de | } { | | } { +-------------------------------------------------------------+ } {$INCLUDE GMCompilerSettings.inc} unit GMSQLite3; interface uses GMStrDef, GMIntf, GMCommon, GMSQLite3Api; type EGMSQLite3DBOption = (dbEnableFKeyConstraints, dbEnableTrigger, dbEnableViews); SGMSQLite3DBOptions = set of EGMSQLite3DBOption; const cDfltSQLite3DBOptions = [dbEnableFKeyConstraints, dbEnableTrigger, dbEnableViews]; cSqLiteExecUninitialized = -1; cUnknownSQLiteType = 0; type //OGMSQLite3Session = class(TGMRefcountedObj) // // .. //end; OGMSQLite3DB = class; IGMSQLite3DB = interface(IUnknown) ['{9C1AFB7A-3B70-41D1-B21C-988C78598BDB}'] function Obj: OGMSQLite3DB; end; OGMSQLite3DB = class(TGMRefcountedObj, IGMSQLite3DB) protected KDB: PSQLite3; public constructor Create(const AFileName: TGMString; const AOpenFlags: TSQLite3Int = SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE or SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE; const AOptions: SGMSQLite3DBOptions = cDfltSQLite3DBOptions; const ARefLifeTime: Boolean = True); overload; destructor Destroy; override; function Obj: OGMSQLite3DB; property DB: Psqlite3 read KDB; end; OGMSQLite3Stmt = class; IGMSQLite3Stmt = interface(IUnknown) ['{39519D02-11BF-42D6-B336-76894F9C4265}'] function Obj: OGMSQLite3Stmt; end; OGMSQLite3Stmt = class(TGMRefcountedObj, IGMSQLite3Stmt) protected KDB: IGMSQLite3DB; KStmt: Psqlite3_stmt; KSqlText: TGMString; KAffectedRecordCount: Int64; KStepRetCode: TSQLite3Int; public constructor Create(const ADB: IGMSQLite3DB; const ASqlText: TGMString; const ARefLifeTime: Boolean = True); overload; destructor Destroy; override; function Obj: OGMSQLite3Stmt; procedure Prepare; procedure Reset; function NextRowAndAffectedRowCount: Boolean; function NextRow: Boolean; function ColumnCount: TSQLite3Int; function ColumnDataType(const AColumnIndex: TSQLite3Int): TSQLite3Int; function ColumnName(const AColumnIndex: TSQLite3Int): TGMString; function ColumnDataTypeName(const AColumnIndex: TSQLite3Int): TGMString; function ParameterCount: TSQLite3Int; function ColumnValueAsInt64(const AColumnIndex: TSQLite3Int): Int64; function ColumnValueAsDouble(const AColumnIndex: TSQLite3Int): Double; function ColumnValueAsUnicodeString(const AColumnIndex: TSQLite3Int): UnicodeString; function ColumnValueAsUtf8String(const AColumnIndex: TSQLite3Int): Utf8String; function ColumnValueAsBlob(const AColumnIndex: TSQLite3Int): RawByteString; function CloumnValueBlobDataPtr(const AColumnIndex: TSQLite3Int): Pointer; function CloumnValueBlobDataSize(const AColumnIndex: TSQLite3Int): LongInt; function CloumnValueUtf8DataPtr(const AColumnIndex: TSQLite3Int): PAnsiChar; function CloumnValueUtf16DataPtr(const AColumnIndex: TSQLite3Int): PWideChar; function CloumnValueUtf16DataSize(const AColumnIndex: TSQLite3Int): LongInt; property DB: IGMSQLite3DB read KDB; property Stmt: Psqlite3_stmt read KStmt; property SqlText: TGMString read KSqlText; property AffectedRecordCount: Int64 read KAffectedRecordCount; end; XGMSQLiteException = class(EGMException); function GMSQLiteCheck(const AErrorCode: TSQLite3Int; const ARoutineName: TGMString; const ACaller: TObject= nil; const ADBFileName: TGMString = ''): TSQLite3Int; implementation uses GMSql; resourcestring srGeneralErrorFmt = 'SQLite routine "%s" failed with error code (%d)'; { ------------------------- } { ---- Global Routines ---- } { ------------------------- } function SQLiteMsgOfErrorCode(const AErrorCode: TSQLite3Int): TGMString; var utf8ErrorDesc: Utf8String; begin utf8ErrorDesc := sqlite3_errstr(AErrorCode); Result := utf8ErrorDesc; end; function BuildSQLiteErrorMsg(const AErrorCode: TSQLite3Int; const ARoutineName: TGMString; const ACaller: TObject; const ADBFileName: TGMString = ''): TGMSTring; var utf8ErrorDesc: Utf8String; idb: IGMSQLite3DB; istmt: IGMSQLite3Stmt; errMsg: TGMString; begin Result := ''; if AErrorCode = SQLITE_OK then Exit; errMsg := SQLiteMsgOfErrorCode(AErrorCode); Result := GMStringJoin(GMFormat(srGeneralErrorFmt, [ARoutineName, AErrorCode]), ', ', errMsg); GMGetInterface(ACaller, IGMSQLite3DB, idb); if (idb = nil) and GMGetInterface(ACaller, IGMSQLite3Stmt, istmt) then idb := istmt.Obj.DB; if idb <> nil then begin utf8ErrorDesc := sqlite3_errmsg(idb.Obj.DB); if not GMSameText(GMStrip(utf8ErrorDesc), GMStrip(errMsg)) then Result := GMStringJoin(Result, ', ', utf8ErrorDesc); end; if (AErrorCode = SQLITE_CANTOPEN) and (Length(ADBFileName) > 0) then Result := GMStringJoin(Result, ' ', GMQuote(ADBFileName)); end; function GMSQLiteCheck(const AErrorCode: TSQLite3Int; const ARoutineName: TGMString; const ACaller: TObject; const ADBFileName: TGMString = ''): TSQLite3Int; // ; const ADB: IGMSQLite3DB begin Result := AErrorCode; if AErrorCode <> SQLITE_OK then raise XGMSQLiteException.ObjError(BuildSQLiteErrorMsg(AErrorCode, ARoutineName, ACaller, ADBFileName), ACaller, ARoutineName); end; {$IFDEF DEBUG} procedure GMSQLiteTrace(const AErrorCode: TSQLite3Int; const ARoutineName: TGMString; const ACaller: TObject = nil); // : TSQLite3Int; // ; const ADB: IGMSQLite3DB begin if AErrorCode <> SQLITE_OK then GMTrace(BuildSQLiteErrorMsg(AErrorCode, ARoutineName, ACaller), tpError); //Result := GMSQLiteCheck(AErrorCode, ARoutineName, ACaller); end; {$ENDIF} { ---------------------- } { ---- OGMSQLite3DB ---- } { ---------------------- } constructor OGMSQLite3DB.Create(const AFileName: TGMString; const AOpenFlags: TSQLite3Int; const AOptions: SGMSQLite3DBOptions; const ARefLifeTime: Boolean); const cBoolArg: Array [Boolean] of TSQLite3Int = (0, 1); var dbFileNameUtf8: Utf8String; // oldSqlSize: LongInt;// fkin, fkout: TSQLite3Int; begin Create(ARefLifeTime); dbFileNameUtf8 := AFileName; //GMSQLiteCheck(sqlite3_open(PAnsiChar(dbFileNameUtf8), KDB), Self, 'sqlite3_open'); GMSQLiteCheck(sqlite3_open_v2(PAnsiChar(dbFileNameUtf8), KDB, AOpenFlags, nil), 'sqlite3_open_v2', Self, AFileName); //fkin := 1; //fkout := 0; //GMSQLiteCheck(sqlite3_db_config(KDB, SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_FKEY, [fkin, @fkout]), nil, 'sqlite3_db_config'); //fkout := 0; GMSQLiteCheck(sqlite3_db_config(KDB, SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_FKEY, [cBoolArg[dbEnableFKeyConstraints in AOptions], nil]), 'sqlite3_db_config(SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_FKEY)', self); GMSQLiteCheck(sqlite3_db_config(KDB, SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_TRIGGER, [cBoolArg[dbEnableTrigger in AOptions], nil]), 'sqlite3_db_config(SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_TRIGGER)', self); GMSQLiteCheck(sqlite3_db_config(KDB, SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_VIEW, [cBoolArg[dbEnableViews in AOptions], nil]), 'sqlite3_db_config(SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_VIEW)', self); //oldSqlSize := sqlite3_limit(KDB, SQLITE_LIMIT_SQL_LENGTH, 10000000); end; destructor OGMSQLite3DB.Destroy; begin if KDB <> nil then begin {$IFDEF DEBUG}GMSQLiteTrace({$ENDIF}sqlite3_close(KDB){$IFDEF DEBUG}, 'sqlite3_close', Self){$ENDIF}; KDB := nil; end; inherited Destroy; end; function OGMSQLite3DB.Obj: OGMSQLite3DB; begin Result := Self; end; { ------------------------ } { ---- OGMSQLite3Stmt ---- } { ------------------------ } constructor OGMSQLite3Stmt.Create(const ADB: IGMSQLite3DB; const ASqlText: TGMString; const ARefLifeTime: Boolean); begin Create(ARefLifeTime); KDB := ADB; KSqlText := ASqlText; KStepRetCode := cSqLiteExecUninitialized; //KAffectedRecordCount := -1; 0 end; destructor OGMSQLite3Stmt.Destroy; begin if KStmt <> nil then begin {$IFDEF DEBUG}GMSQLiteTrace({$ENDIF}sqlite3_finalize(KStmt){$IFDEF DEBUG}, 'sqlite3_finalize', Self){$ENDIF}; KStmt := nil; end; inherited Destroy; end; function OGMSQLite3Stmt.Obj: OGMSQLite3Stmt; begin Result := Self; end; function OGMSQLite3Stmt.ParameterCount: TSQLite3Int; begin if KStmt = nil then Result := 0 else Result := sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(KStmt); end; procedure OGMSQLite3Stmt.Prepare; var pszTail: PUtf8Char; {.$IFNDEF UNICODE} sqlTextUtf8: Utf8String; {.$ENDIF} begin if DB <> nil then begin {.$IFDEF UNICODE} // Length: The number of bytes in the input string including the nul-terminator! //GMSQLiteCheck(sqlite3_prepare16_v2(Db.Obj.DB, PWideChar(KSqlText), (Length(KSqlText)+1) * SizeOf(WideChar), KStmt, nil), 'sqlite3_prepare16_v2', Self); {.$ELSE} sqlTextUtf8 := KSqlText; // Utf8Encode(KSqlText); // Length: The number of bytes in the input string INCLUDING the nul-terminator! GMSQLiteCheck(sqlite3_prepare_v2(Db.Obj.DB, PAnsiChar(sqlTextUtf8), Length(sqlTextUtf8)+1, KStmt, @pszTail), 'sqlite3_prepare_v2', Self); {.$ENDIF} //if GMSqlStatmentKind(KSqlText) in [skInsert, skUpdate, skDelete] then KAffectedRecordCount := sqlite3_changes(Db.Obj.DB); end; end; procedure OGMSQLite3Stmt.Reset; begin if (KStmt <> nil) and (KStepRetCode in [SQLITE_ROW, SQLITE_DONE]) then begin GMSQLiteCheck(sqlite3_reset(KStmt), 'sqlite3_reset', Self); KStepRetCode := cSqLiteExecUninitialized; end; end; function OGMSQLite3Stmt.NextRow: Boolean; begin if (KStmt = nil) or (KStepRetCode = SQLITE_DONE) then Result := False else begin KStepRetCode := sqlite3_step(KStmt); Result := KStepRetCode = SQLITE_ROW; if not (KStepRetCode in [SQLITE_ROW, SQLITE_DONE]) then GMSQLiteCheck(KStepRetCode, 'sqlite3_step', Self); end; end; function OGMSQLite3Stmt.NextRowAndAffectedRowCount: Boolean; begin Result := NextRow; KAffectedRecordCount := sqlite3_changes64(Db.Obj.DB); end; function OGMSQLite3Stmt.ColumnCount: TSQLite3Int; begin if KStmt = nil then Result := 0 else Result := sqlite3_column_count(KStmt); end; function OGMSQLite3Stmt.ColumnDataType(const AColumnIndex: TSQLite3Int): TSQLite3Int; begin if KStmt = nil then Result := 0 else Result := sqlite3_column_type(KStmt, AColumnIndex); end; function OGMSQLite3Stmt.ColumnName(const AColumnIndex: TSQLite3Int): TGMString; begin if KStmt = nil then Result := '' else begin //Result := PUnicodeChar(sqlite3_column_origin_name16(KStmt, AColumnIndex)); Result := PUnicodeChar(sqlite3_column_name16(KStmt, AColumnIndex)); if Length(Result) <= 0 then Result := 'Unknown'+GMIntToStr(AColumnIndex); end; end; function OGMSQLite3Stmt.ColumnDataTypeName(const AColumnIndex: TSQLite3Int): TGMString; begin if KStmt = nil then Result := '' else {$IFDEF UNICODE} Result := PUnicodeChar(sqlite3_column_decltype16(KStmt, AColumnIndex)); {$ELSE} Result := PAnsiChar(sqlite3_column_decltype(KStmt, AColumnIndex)); {$ENDIF} end; function OGMSQLite3Stmt.ColumnValueAsInt64(const AColumnIndex: TSQLite3Int): Int64; begin if KStmt = nil then Result := 0 else Result := sqlite3_column_int64(KStmt, AColumnIndex); end; function OGMSQLite3Stmt.ColumnValueAsDouble(const AColumnIndex: TSQLite3Int): Double; begin if KStmt = nil then Result := 0 else Result := sqlite3_column_double(KStmt, AColumnIndex); end; function OGMSQLite3Stmt.ColumnValueAsUnicodeString(const AColumnIndex: TSQLite3Int): UnicodeString; begin if KStmt = nil then Result := '' else //Result := PUnicodeChar(sqlite3_column_text16(KStmt, AColumnIndex)); SetString(Result, sqlite3_column_text16(KStmt, AColumnIndex), sqlite3_column_bytes16(KStmt, AColumnIndex) div SizeOf(WideChar)); end; function OGMSQLite3Stmt.ColumnValueAsUtf8String(const AColumnIndex: TSQLite3Int): Utf8String; //var utf8Str: Utf8String; begin if KStmt = nil then Result := '' else SetString(Result, sqlite3_column_text(KStmt, AColumnIndex), sqlite3_column_bytes(KStmt, AColumnIndex)); //if KStmt = nil then Result := '' else // begin // SetString(utf8Str, sqlite3_column_text(KStmt, AColumnIndex), sqlite3_column_bytes(KStmt, AColumnIndex)); // Result := utf8Str; // end; end; function OGMSQLite3Stmt.ColumnValueAsBlob(const AColumnIndex: TSQLite3Int): RawByteString; var sizeInBytes: TSQLite3Int; begin if KStmt = nil then Result := '' else begin sizeInBytes := sqlite3_column_bytes(KStmt, AColumnIndex); SetString(Result, sqlite3_column_blob(KStmt, AColumnIndex), sizeInBytes); end; end; function OGMSQLite3Stmt.CloumnValueBlobDataSize(const AColumnIndex: TSQLite3Int): LongInt; begin Result := sqlite3_column_bytes(KStmt, AColumnIndex); end; function OGMSQLite3Stmt.CloumnValueBlobDataPtr(const AColumnIndex: TSQLite3Int): Pointer; begin Result := sqlite3_column_blob(KStmt, AColumnIndex); end; function OGMSQLite3Stmt.CloumnValueUtf8DataPtr(const AColumnIndex: TSQLite3Int): PAnsiChar; begin Result := sqlite3_column_text(KStmt, AColumnIndex); end; function OGMSQLite3Stmt.CloumnValueUtf16DataSize(const AColumnIndex: TSQLite3Int): LongInt; begin Result := sqlite3_column_bytes16(KStmt, AColumnIndex); end; function OGMSQLite3Stmt.CloumnValueUtf16DataPtr(const AColumnIndex: TSQLite3Int): PWideChar; begin Result := sqlite3_column_text16(KStmt, AColumnIndex); end; end.