{ +-------------------------------------------------------------+ } { | | } { | GM-Software | } { | =========== | } { | | } { | Project: All Projects | } { | | } { | Description: JSON implementations. | } { | | } { | | } { | Copyright (C) - 2016 - Gerrit Moeller. | } { | | } { | Source code distributed under MIT license. | } { | | } { | See: https://www.gm-software.de | } { | | } { +-------------------------------------------------------------+ } {$INCLUDE GMCompilerSettings.inc} unit GMJson; interface uses {$IFNDEF JEDIAPI}{$IFDEF JEDIAPI}JwaWinType,{$ENDIF}{$ENDIF} GMStrDef, GMIntf, GMCommon, GMCollections, GMActiveX, GMUnionValue; type EGMJsonValueKind = (jvkUnassigned, jvkNull, jvkBoolean, jvkString, jvkInteger, jvkFloat, jvkObject, jvkArray); TGMJsonFloat = Double; PGMJsonValueData = ^RGMJsonValueData; RGMJsonValueData = packed record // <- only 9 bytes in size! private //StringValue: UnicodeString; class operator Initialize(var AValueData: RGMJsonValueData); class operator Finalize(var AValueData: RGMJsonValueData); class operator Copy(constref ASrc: RGMJsonValueData; var ADst: RGMJsonValueData); class operator Implicit(const AValueData: RGMJsonValueData): Boolean; class operator Implicit(const AValueData: RGMJsonValueData): Int64; class operator Implicit(const AValueData: RGMJsonValueData): LongInt; class operator Implicit(const AValueData: RGMJsonValueData): Double; class operator Implicit(const AValueData: RGMJsonValueData): TDateTime; class operator Implicit(const AValueData: RGMJsonValueData): UnicodeString; class operator Implicit(const AValueData: RGMJsonValueData): WideString; class operator Implicit(const AValueData: RGMJsonValueData): AnsiString; class operator Implicit(const AValueData: RGMJsonValueData): Utf8String; class operator Implicit(const AValueData: RGMJsonValueData): RGMUnionValue; class operator Implicit(const AValueData: RGMJsonValueData): Variant; class operator Implicit(AValue: Boolean): RGMJsonValueData; class operator Implicit(AValue: Int64): RGMJsonValueData; class operator Implicit(AValue: LongInt): RGMJsonValueData; class operator Implicit(AValue: Double): RGMJsonValueData; class operator Implicit(AValue: UnicodeString): RGMJsonValueData; class operator Implicit(AValue: WideString): RGMJsonValueData; class operator Implicit(AValue: AnsiString): RGMJsonValueData; class operator Implicit(AValue: Utf8String): RGMJsonValueData; class operator Implicit(const AValue: RGMUnionValue): RGMJsonValueData; class operator Implicit(const AValue: Variant): RGMJsonValueData; public function IsNullOrUnassigned: Boolean; function AsString: TGMString; function AsJsonSyntax: TGMString; function ValueKindName: TGMString; case ValueKind: EGMJsonValueKind of // jvkUnassigned: (); // jvkNull: (); jvkBoolean: (BoolValue: Boolean); //jvkString: (StringValue: GMStrDef.PUnicodeString); jvkString: (StringValue: Pointer); jvkInteger: (IntValue: Int64); jvkFloat: (FloatValue: TGMJsonFloat); // jvkObject: (ObjectValue: Pointer); // jvkArray: (ArrayValue: Pointer); end; IGMJsonValueBase = interface; // <- forward declaration IGMJSONValuesIterator = IGMGenericIterator<IGMJsonValueBase>; IGMJsonValueBase = interface(IGMGetSetName) ['{50EE5AC0-0B7B-4143-9854-A34068E1B7A1}'] function ValueName: UnicodeString; function ValueKind: EGMJsonValueKind; function GetParent: IGMJsonValueBase; procedure SetParent(const AParent: IGMJsonValueBase); function AsString(const AIndent: UnicodeString = ''): UnicodeString; function CreateSubValueIterator(const AReverse: Boolean = False): IGMJSONValuesIterator; // <- may return nil! procedure WriteToStream(const ADestStream: ISequentialStream; const ACharCoding: TGMCharKind = ckUtf8; const AIndent: TGMString = ''); property Parent: IGMJsonValueBase read GetParent write SetParent; end; IGMJSONValuesCollection = IGMGenericCollection<IGMJsonValueBase>; IGMJsonTerminalValue = interface(IGMJsonValueBase) ['{3D693C02-1CC5-4C45-9EB5-4442466033F9}'] //function GetStringValue: TGMString; //procedure SetStringValue(const AStringValue: TGMString); function GetValueData: RGMJsonValueData; procedure SetValueData(const AValueData: RGMJsonValueData); //function GetValue: RGMJsonValueData; property ValueData: RGMJsonValueData read GetValueData write SetValueData; end; IGMJsonValueContainer = interface(IGMJsonValueBase) ['{0F053B53-52C4-4B7A-B72B-1EE3EC1DFB77}'] function ArrayLowBound: PtrInt; function ArrayHighBound: PtrInt; function ArrayLength: PtrInt; function GetArrayValueAt(const AArrayIdx: PtrInt): IGMJsonValueBase; function IsEmpty: Boolean; function FirstValue: IGMJsonValueBase; function LastValue: IGMJsonValueBase; property Values[const Index: PtrInt]: IGMJsonValueBase read GetArrayValueAt; default; end; IGMJsonObject = interface(IGMJsonValueContainer) ['{AE87A05D-CE65-4C2C-A6DE-6B6B3D92C9A8}'] //function GetValues: IGMGenericArrayCollection<IGMJsonValueBase>; //property Values: IGMGenericArrayCollection<IGMJsonValueBase> read GetValues; end; IGMJsonArray = interface(IGMJsonValueContainer) ['{72C6BEAF-E80F-4E51-9A96-94EA6F7D316F}'] end; TGMJsonValueBase = class(TGMRefCountedObj, IGMJsonValueBase, IGMGetName, IGMGetSetName, IGWriteToStream) protected FName: UnicodeString; FParent: IGMJsonValueBase; public constructor Create(const AParent: IGMJsonValueBase; const AName: TGMString; const ARefLifeTime: Boolean = True); reintroduce; overload; function ValueName: UnicodeString; function GetName: TGMString; stdcall; procedure SetName(const AName: TGMString); stdcall; function ValueKind: EGMJsonValueKind; virtual; function AsString(const AIndent: UnicodeString = ''): UnicodeString; virtual; function GetParent: IGMJsonValueBase; procedure SetParent(const AParent: IGMJsonValueBase); function CreateSubValueIterator(const AReverse: Boolean = False): IGMJSONValuesIterator; virtual; procedure WriteToStream(const ADestStream: ISequentialStream; const ACharCoding: TGMCharKind = ckUtf8; const AIndent: TGMString = ''); virtual; property Parent: IGMJsonValueBase read GetParent write SetParent; end; TGMJsonTerminalValue = class(TGMJsonValueBase, IGMJsonTerminalValue, IGMGetUnionValue, IGMGetSetUnionValue, IGMGetStringValue, IGMGetSetStringValue) protected FValueData: RGMJsonValueData; public constructor CreateString(const AParent: IGMJsonValueBase; const AName, AValue: TGMString; const ARefLifeTime: Boolean = True); overload; constructor CreateValue(const AParent: IGMJsonValueBase; const AName: TGMString; const AValue: RGMJsonValueData; const ARefLifeTime: Boolean = True); overload; function ValueKind: EGMJsonValueKind; override; function AsString(const AIndent: UnicodeString = ''): UnicodeString; override; function GetStringValue: UnicodeString; function GetUnionValue: RGMUnionValue; procedure SetUnionValue(const AValue: RGMUnionValue); function GetValueData: RGMJsonValueData; //function GetOleValue: OleVariant; stdcall; procedure SetValueData(const AValueData: RGMJsonValueData); procedure SetStringValue(const AStringValue: UnicodeString); property ValueData: RGMJsonValueData read GetValueData write SetValueData; end; // // Internal interface helping assert the contract: if Values.Count = RefCount => no more external references, the object can be disposed // IGMJsonContainerInternal = interface(IUnknown) ['{937B8620-6F50-489F-8873-085FD773E123}'] function InternalAddValue(const AValue: IGMJsonValueBase): IGMJsonValueBase; function InternalRemoveValue(const AValue: IGMJsonValueBase): Boolean; end; // // Internal contract: will be disposed when Values.Count = RefCount => no more external references, only expected references from Parent memebers // TGMJsonValueContainer = class(TGMJsonValueBase, IGMJsonContainerInternal, IGMJsonValueContainer) protected FReleasingMembers: Boolean; FValues: array of IGMJsonValueBase; function InternalAddValue(const AValue: IGMJsonValueBase): IGMJsonValueBase; function InternalRemoveValue(const AValue: IGMJsonValueBase): Boolean; public function _Release: LongInt; override; function CreateSubValueIterator(const AReverse: Boolean = False): IGMJSONValuesIterator; override; function ArrayLowBound: PtrInt; function ArrayHighBound: PtrInt; function ArrayLength: PtrInt; function GetArrayValueAt(const AIndex: PtrInt): IGMJsonValueBase; function IsEmpty: Boolean; function FirstValue: IGMJsonValueBase; function LastValue: IGMJsonValueBase; property Values[const AIndex: PtrInt]: IGMJsonValueBase read GetArrayValueAt; default; end; // // Internal contract: will be disposed when Values.Count = RefCount => no more external references, only expected references from Parent memebers // TGMJsonObject = class(TGMJsonValueContainer, IGMJsonObject) public function ValueKind: EGMJsonValueKind; override; function AsString(const AIndent: UnicodeString = ''): UnicodeString; override; end; //TGMJsonObject = class(TGMJsonValueBase, IGMJsonObject, IGMJsonContainerInternal) // protected // FReleasingMembers: Boolean; // //FValues: IGMIntfCollection; // FValues: IGMGenericArrayCollection<IGMJsonValueBase>; // // function InternalAddValue(const AValue: IGMJsonValueBase): IGMJsonValueBase; // function InternalRemoveValue(const AValue: IGMJsonValueBase): Boolean; // // public // constructor Create(const ARefLifeTime: Boolean = True); overload; override; // function _Release: LongInt; override; // function ValueKind: EGMJsonValueKind; override; // function AsString(const AIndent: UnicodeString = ''): UnicodeString; override; // function GetValues: IGMGenericArrayCollection<IGMJsonValueBase>; // function CreateSubValueIterator(const AReverse: Boolean = False): IGMJSONValuesIterator; override; // // property Values: IGMGenericArrayCollection<IGMJsonValueBase> read GetValues; //end; // // Internal contract: will be disposed when Values.Count = RefCount => no more external references, only expected references from Parent memebers // TGMJsonArray = class(TGMJsonValueContainer, IGMJsonArray) public function ValueKind: EGMJsonValueKind; override; function AsString(const AIndent: UnicodeString = ''): UnicodeString; override; end; TGMJsonArrayIterator<T> = class(TGMRefCountedObj, IGMGenericIterator<T>) protected FReverse: Boolean; FPosition: PtrInt; FJsonArray: IGMJsonValueContainer; public constructor Create(const AJsonArray: IUnknown; const AReverse: Boolean = False; const ARefLifeTime: Boolean = True); reintroduce; //function NextEntry(out AEntry): Boolean; function NextEntry(var AEntry: T): Boolean; procedure Reset; end; IGMJsonDocument = interface(IGMJsonObject) ['{0C88441F-2A1F-4EB0-A9F6-AB02C86C3BAF}'] procedure ParseJsonData(const ASource: ISequentialStream; const ACharCoding: TGMCharKind = ckUtf8); end; TGMJsonDocument = class(TGMJsonObject, IGMJsonDocument) public constructor CreateRead(const ASource: ISequentialStream = nil; const ACharCoding: TGMCharKind = ckUtf8; const ARefLifeTime: Boolean = True); destructor Destroy; override; procedure ParseJsonData(const ASource: ISequentialStream; const ACharCoding: TGMCharKind = ckUtf8); function AsString(const AIndent: UnicodeString = ''): UnicodeString; override; end; XGMJsonError = class(EGMException); XGMJsonParsingError = class(XGMJsonError); XGMJsonConvertError = class(XGMJsonError); function GMJsonEncodeEscapeChars(const AValue: TGMString): TGMString; function GMStrAsQuotedChars(const AValue: TGMString): TGMString; const scJsonFalse: UnicodeString = 'false'; scJsonTrue: UnicodeString = 'true'; scJsonNull: UnicodeString = 'null'; var gDfltIndent: UnicodeString = ' '; // #9; gJsonNewLine: UnicodeString = cNewLine; implementation uses SysUtils, TypInfo {$IFNDEF JEDIAPI}{$IFDEF JEDIAPI},jwaWinBase{$ENDIF}{$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DELPHI6},Variants{$ENDIF}; resourcestring srMissingInput = 'Expected %s, but instead reached end of input'; srExpectedChar = 'Expected %s at character position %d on line %d, but instead found "%s"'; srInvalidChar = 'Invalid character "%s" at position %d on line %d'; srEscapeChar = 'Escape character'; srHexDigit = 'Hexadecimal digit'; srValueData = 'Value data'; srJsonConvertToErrFmt = 'Cannot convert JSON value kind "%s" to type %s'; srJsonConvertFromErrFmt = 'Cannot convert from %s to JSON Value'; //srDecimalDigit = 'decimal digit'; //srNumber = 'number'; //srUnknownJsonContent = 'Unknown'; //srUsupportedJsonContent = 'Unsupported JSON content'; srEndOfInputInUtf8Sequence = 'Unexpected end of input in Utf-8 multibyte character sequence'; srValueKindOutofBounds = 'JSON ValueKind %d out of bounds, must be in [%d .. %d]'; srJSONElementIndex = 'JSON element index'; { ------------------------- } { ---- Global Routines ---- } { ------------------------- } function MsgMissingInput(const AMissing: TGMString): TGMString; {$IFDEF HAS_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF} begin Result := GMFormat(srMissingInput, [AMissing]); end; function MsgExpectedChar(const AExpected, AFound: TGMString; const ACharPos, ALineNo: Integer): TGMString; {$IFDEF HAS_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF} begin Result := GMFormat(srExpectedChar, [AExpected, ACharPos, ALineNo, AFound]); end; function MsgInvalidChar(const AFound: TGMString; const ACharPos, ALineNo: Integer): TGMString; {$IFDEF HAS_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF} begin Result := GMFormat(srInvalidChar, [AFound, ACharPos, ALineNo]); end; //function ValueKindName(const AValueKind: EGMJsonValueKind): TGMString; //begin // Result := GetEnumName(TypeInfo(EGMJsonValueKind), Ord(AValueKind)); //end; function WordToHexStr(AValue: Word): TGMString; var i: Integer; begin Result := ''; for i:=1 to SizeOf(AValue) do begin Result := '' + cStrHexConvertChars[((AValue and $F0) shr 4)+1] + cStrHexConvertChars[(AValue and $F)+1] + Result; AValue := AValue shr 8; end; end; function GMJsonEncodeEscapeChars(const AValue: TGMString): TGMString; var i: Integer; hexStr: TGMString; begin Result := AValue; i:=1; while i <= Length(Result) do begin case Result[i] of '"', '\': begin Insert('\', Result, i); Inc(i); end; #8: begin Delete(Result, i, 1); Insert('\b', Result, i); Inc(i); end; #9: begin Delete(Result, i, 1); Insert('\t', Result, i); Inc(i); end; #10: begin Delete(Result, i, 1); Insert('\n', Result, i); Inc(i); end; #12: begin Delete(Result, i, 1); Insert('\f', Result, i); Inc(i); end; #13: begin Delete(Result, i, 1); Insert('\r', Result, i); Inc(i); end; else if Ord(Result[i]) < 32 then begin hexStr := 'u' + WordToHexStr(Ord(Result[i])); Delete(Result, i, 1); Insert(hexStr, Result, i); Inc(i, Length(hexStr)-1); end; end; Inc(i); // <- additional increment will be done at the end of every loop! end; end; function JsonQuotedName(const AName: UnicodeString): UnicodeString; begin if Length(AName) <= 0 then Result := '' else Result := GMQuote(AName, '"', '"'); end; function JsonFloatToString(const AValue: TGMJsonFloat): UnicodeString; var fmtSeettings: TFormatSettings; begin fmtSeettings := DefaultFormatSettings; fmtSeettings.DecimalSeparator := '.'; Result := FloatToStr(AValue, fmtSeettings); end; function GMStrAsQuotedChars(const AValue: TGMString): TGMString; var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, 0); for i:=1 to Length(AValue) do case AValue[i] of '"': Result := GMStringJoin(Result, ' or ', GMQuote(AValue[i], '''', '''')); else Result := GMStringJoin(Result, ' or ', GMQuote(AValue[i], '"', '"')); end; end; { -------------------------- } { ---- RGMJsonValueData ---- } { -------------------------- } const cBoolInt: array [Boolean] of Int64 = (0, 1); function RGMJsonValueData.IsNullOrUnassigned: Boolean; begin Result := ValueKind in [jvkUnassigned, jvkNull]; end; class operator RGMJsonValueData.Initialize(var AValueData: RGMJsonValueData); begin //AValueData := Default(RGMJsonValueData); // <- dont use an assignment here, it would trigger the copy operator with an uninitialized source FillByte(AValueData, SizeOf(AValueData), 0); end; class operator RGMJsonValueData.Finalize(var AValueData: RGMJsonValueData); begin case AValueData.ValueKind of jvkString: if AValueData.StringValue <> nil then begin UnicodeString(AValueData.StringValue) := ''; AValueData.StringValue := nil; end; end; //Initialize(ADst); <- avoid this, in most cases the record is discarded and this would be wasted cpu time end; class operator RGMJsonValueData.Copy(constref ASrc: RGMJsonValueData; var ADst: RGMJsonValueData); begin Finalize(ADst); Initialize(ADst); case ASrc.ValueKind of jvkString: begin UnicodeString(ADst.StringValue) := UnicodeString(ASrc.StringValue); ADst.ValueKind := ASrc.ValueKind; end; else Move(Asrc, ADst, SizeOf(ADst)); end; end; function RGMJsonValueData.ValueKindName: TGMString; begin // ValueKind enum value out of bounds may happen if not proper initialized if GMIsInRange(Ord(ValueKind), Ord(Low(ValueKind)), Ord(High(ValueKind))) then Result := GetEnumName(TypeInfo(EGMJsonValueKind), Ord(ValueKind)) else Result := GMFormat(srValueKindOutofBounds, [Ord(ValueKind), Low(ValueKind), High(ValueKind)]); end; class operator RGMJsonValueData.Implicit(const AValueData: RGMJsonValueData): Boolean; begin case AValueData.ValueKind of //jvkUnassigned, jvkNull jvkBoolean: Result := AValueData.BoolValue; //jvkString: Result := GMStrToBool(AValueData.StringValue^); jvkString: Result := GMStrToBool(UnicodeString(AValueData.StringValue)); jvkInteger: Result := AValueData.IntValue <> 0; jvkFloat: Result := AValueData.FloatValue <> 0.0; else raise XGMJsonConvertError.ObjError(GMFormat(srJsonConvertToErrFmt, [AValueData.ValueKindName, 'Boolean']), nil, 'RGMJsonValueData.Implicit'); end; end; class operator RGMJsonValueData.Implicit(const AValueData: RGMJsonValueData): Int64; begin case AValueData.ValueKind of //jvkUnassigned, jvkNull jvkBoolean: Result := cBoolInt[AValueData.BoolValue]; //jvkString: Result := GMStrToInt(AValueData.StringValue^); jvkString: Result := GMStrToInt(UnicodeString(AValueData.StringValue)); jvkInteger: Result := AValueData.IntValue; jvkFloat: Result := Round(AValueData.FloatValue); else raise XGMJsonConvertError.ObjError(GMFormat(srJsonConvertToErrFmt, [AValueData.ValueKindName, 'Int64']), nil, 'RGMJsonValueData.Implicit'); end; end; class operator RGMJsonValueData.Implicit(const AValueData: RGMJsonValueData): LongInt; begin case AValueData.ValueKind of //jvkUnassigned, jvkNull jvkBoolean: Result := cBoolInt[AValueData.BoolValue]; //jvkString: Result := GMStrToInt(AValueData.StringValue^); jvkString: Result := GMStrToInt(UnicodeString(AValueData.StringValue)); jvkInteger: Result := AValueData.IntValue; jvkFloat: Result := Round(AValueData.FloatValue); else raise XGMJsonConvertError.ObjError(GMFormat(srJsonConvertToErrFmt, [AValueData.ValueKindName, 'LongInt']), nil, 'RGMJsonValueData.Implicit'); end; end; class operator RGMJsonValueData.Implicit(const AValueData: RGMJsonValueData): Double; begin case AValueData.ValueKind of //jvkUnassigned, jvkNull jvkBoolean: Result := cBoolInt[AValueData.BoolValue]; //jvkString: Result := GMStrToDouble(AValueData.StringValue^); jvkString: Result := GMStrToDouble(UnicodeString(AValueData.StringValue)); jvkInteger: Result := AValueData.IntValue; jvkFloat: Result := AValueData.FloatValue; else raise XGMJsonConvertError.ObjError(GMFormat(srJsonConvertToErrFmt, [AValueData.ValueKindName, 'Double']), nil, 'RGMJsonValueData.Implicit'); end; end; class operator RGMJsonValueData.Implicit(const AValueData: RGMJsonValueData): TDateTime; begin case AValueData.ValueKind of //jvkUnassigned, jvkNull //jvkBoolean: Result := cBoolInt[AValueData.BoolValue]; //jvkString: Result := GMStrToDouble(AValueData.StringValue^); jvkString: Result := GMStrToDouble(UnicodeString(AValueData.StringValue)); jvkInteger: Result := AValueData.IntValue; jvkFloat: Result := AValueData.FloatValue; else raise XGMJsonConvertError.ObjError(GMFormat(srJsonConvertToErrFmt, [AValueData.ValueKindName, 'TDateTime']), nil, 'RGMJsonValueData.Implicit'); end; end; {$macro on} {$define InsertStringResultCommonPart:= case AValueData.ValueKind of //jvkUnassigned, jvkNull => else case, raise exception jvkBoolean: if AValueData.BoolValue then Result := scJsonTrue else Result := scJsonFalse; jvkString: Result := UnicodeString(AValueData.StringValue); jvkInteger: Result := GMIntToStr(AValueData.IntValue); jvkFloat: Result := GMDoubleToStr(AValueData.FloatValue); else raise XGMJsonConvertError.ObjError(GMFormat(srJsonConvertToErrFmt, [AValueData.ValueKindName, cResultTypeName]), nil, 'RGMJsonValueData.Implicit'); end;} class operator RGMJsonValueData.Implicit(const AValueData: RGMJsonValueData): UnicodeString; const cResultTypeName = 'UnicodeString'; begin InsertStringResultCommonPart end; class operator RGMJsonValueData.Implicit(const AValueData: RGMJsonValueData): WideString; const cResultTypeName = 'WideString'; begin InsertStringResultCommonPart end; class operator RGMJsonValueData.Implicit(const AValueData: RGMJsonValueData): AnsiString; const cResultTypeName = 'AnsiString'; begin InsertStringResultCommonPart end; class operator RGMJsonValueData.Implicit(const AValueData: RGMJsonValueData): Utf8String; const cResultTypeName = 'Utf8String'; begin InsertStringResultCommonPart end; class operator RGMJsonValueData.Implicit(const AValueData: RGMJsonValueData): RGMUnionValue; begin FillByte(Result, SizeOf(Result), 0); case AValueData.ValueKind of jvkUnassigned: Result := uvtUnassigned; // begin Result.ValueType := uvtUnassigned; UnicodeString(Result.StringValue) := ''; end; jvkNull: Result := uvtNull; // begin Result.ValueType := uvtNull; UnicodeString(Result.StringValue) := ''; end; jvkBoolean: Result := AValueData.BoolValue; jvkString: Result := UnicodeString(AValueData.StringValue); jvkInteger: Result := AValueData.IntValue; jvkFloat: Result := AValueData.FloatValue; else raise XGMJsonConvertError.ObjError(GMFormat(srJsonConvertToErrFmt, [AValueData.ValueKindName, 'RGMUnionValue']), nil, 'RGMJsonValueData.Implicit'); end; end; class operator RGMJsonValueData.Implicit(const AValueData: RGMJsonValueData): Variant; begin case AValueData.ValueKind of jvkUnassigned: Result := Variants.Unassigned; jvkNull: Result := Variants.Null; jvkBoolean: Result := AValueData.BoolValue; jvkString: Result := UnicodeString(AValueData.StringValue); // AValueData.StringValue^; jvkInteger: Result := AValueData.IntValue; jvkFloat: Result := AValueData.FloatValue; //else Result := Unassigned; else raise XGMJsonConvertError.ObjError(GMFormat(srJsonConvertToErrFmt, [AValueData.ValueKindName, 'Variant']), nil, 'RGMJsonValueData.Implicit'); end; end; class operator RGMJsonValueData.Implicit(AValue: Boolean): RGMJsonValueData; begin //FillByte(Result, SizeOf(Result), 0); Result := Default(RGMJsonValueData); //Finalize(Result); Result.BoolValue := AValue; Result.ValueKind := jvkBoolean; end; class operator RGMJsonValueData.Implicit(AValue: Int64): RGMJsonValueData; begin //FillByte(Result, SizeOf(Result), 0); Result := Default(RGMJsonValueData); //Finalize(Result); Result.IntValue := AValue; Result.ValueKind := jvkInteger; end; class operator RGMJsonValueData.Implicit(AValue: LongInt): RGMJsonValueData; begin //FillByte(Result, SizeOf(Result), 0); Result := Default(RGMJsonValueData); //Finalize(Result); Result.IntValue := AValue; Result.ValueKind := jvkInteger; end; class operator RGMJsonValueData.Implicit(AValue: Double): RGMJsonValueData; begin //FillByte(Result, SizeOf(Result), 0); Result := Default(RGMJsonValueData); //Finalize(Result); Result.FloatValue := AValue; Result.ValueKind := jvkFloat; end; {$macro on} {$define InsertStringAssignCommonPart:= //FillByte(Result, SizeOf(Result), 0); Result := Default(RGMJsonValueData); //Finalize(Result); UnicodeString(Result.StringValue) := AValue; Result.ValueKind := jvkString;} class operator RGMJsonValueData.Implicit(AValue: UnicodeString): RGMJsonValueData; begin InsertStringAssignCommonPart end; class operator RGMJsonValueData.Implicit(AValue: WideString): RGMJsonValueData; begin InsertStringAssignCommonPart end; class operator RGMJsonValueData.Implicit(AValue: AnsiString): RGMJsonValueData; begin InsertStringAssignCommonPart end; class operator RGMJsonValueData.Implicit(AValue: Utf8String): RGMJsonValueData; begin InsertStringAssignCommonPart end; class operator RGMJsonValueData.Implicit(const AValue: RGMUnionValue): RGMJsonValueData; begin //FillByte(Result, SizeOf(Result), 0); Result := Default(RGMJsonValueData); //Finalize(Result); case AValue.ValueType of uvtUnassigned: Result.ValueKind := jvkUnassigned; uvtNull: Result.ValueKind := jvkNull; uvtString: Result := AValue.AsString; uvtBoolean: Result := AValue.BoolValue; uvtInt16: Result := AValue.Int16Value; uvtInt32: Result := AValue.Int32Value; uvtInt64: Result := AValue.Int64Value; uvtDouble: Result := AValue.DoubleValue; uvtDateTime: Result := Double(AValue.DateTimeValue); else raise XGMJsonConvertError.ObjError(GMFormat(srJsonConvertFromErrFmt, [GMFormat('%s [%s]', ['RGMUnionValue', AValue.ValueTypeName])]), nil, 'RGMJsonValueData.Implicit'); end; end; class operator RGMJsonValueData.Implicit(const AValue: Variant): RGMJsonValueData; begin //FillByte(Result, SizeOf(Result), 0); //Result.ValueKind := jvkUnassigned; //Finalize(Result); Result := Default(RGMJsonValueData); case VarType(AValue) of varSmallint, varInteger, varShortInt, varByte, varWord, varLongWord, varInt64, varqword: begin Result.IntValue := AValue; Result.ValueKind := jvkInteger; end; varSingle, varDouble, varDate: begin Result.FloatValue := AValue; Result.ValueKind := jvkFloat; end; varBoolean: begin Result.BoolValue := AValue; Result.ValueKind := jvkBoolean; end; varOleStr, varString, varUString: Result := GMVarToStr(AValue); // SetValueDataString(Result, AValue); varEmpty, varNull: Result.ValueKind := jvkNull; //else Result.ValueKind := jvkUnassigned; else raise XGMJsonConvertError.ObjError(GMFormat(srJsonConvertFromErrFmt, [GMFormat('%s [%d]', ['Variant', VarType(AValue)])]), nil, 'RGMJsonValueData.Implicit'); end; end; function RGMJsonValueData.AsString: TGMString; begin case ValueKind of jvkUnassigned, jvkNull: Result := ''; else Result := Self; end; end; function RGMJsonValueData.AsJsonSyntax: TGMString; begin case ValueKind of //jvkUnassigned: Result := ''; // <- better raise an exception than creating JSON with invalid Syntax, uncommenting would prevent an exception but write nothing for the value => invalid syntax jvkNull: Result := scJsonNull; jvkFloat: Result := JsonFloatToString(FloatValue); else Result := Self; // <- raises exception for jvkUnassigned and jvkNull! end; if ValueKind = jvkString then Result := '"'+ GMJsonEncodeEscapeChars(Result) + '"'; end; { -------------------------- } { ---- TGMJsonValueBase ---- } { -------------------------- } constructor TGMJsonValueBase.Create(const AParent: IGMJsonValueBase; const AName: TGMString; const ARefLifeTime: Boolean); begin Create(ARefLifeTime); FName := AName; SetParent(AParent); end; function TGMJsonValueBase.GetParent: IGMJsonValueBase; begin Result := FParent; end; procedure TGMJsonValueBase.SetParent(const AParent: IGMJsonValueBase); var oldPrnt, newPrnt: IGMJsonContainerInternal; begin if GMQueryInterface(AParent, IGMJsonContainerInternal, newPrnt) then newPrnt.InternalAddValue(Self); if GMQueryInterface(FParent, IGMJsonContainerInternal, oldPrnt) then oldPrnt.InternalRemoveValue(Self); FParent := AParent; end; function TGMJsonValueBase.ValueKind: EGMJsonValueKind; begin Result := jvkUnassigned; end; function TGMJsonValueBase.ValueName: UnicodeString; begin Result := FName; end; function TGMJsonValueBase.GetName: TGMString; begin Result := FName; end; procedure TGMJsonValueBase.SetName(const AName: TGMString); begin FName := AName; end; function TGMJsonValueBase.AsString(const AIndent: UnicodeString = ''): UnicodeString; begin Result := ''; // AIndent + '<' + srUnknownJsonContent + '>'; end; function TGMJsonValueBase.CreateSubValueIterator(const AReverse: Boolean): IGMJSONValuesIterator; begin Result := nil; end; procedure TGMJsonValueBase.WriteToStream(const ADestStream: ISequentialStream; const ACharCoding: TGMCharKind; const AIndent: TGMString); var strVal: UnicodeString; aStr: AnsiString; uStr: Utf8String; begin if ADestStream = nil then Exit; strVal := AsString(AIndent); case ACharCoding of ckUtf16LE: GMSafeIStreamWrite(ADestStream, PUnicodeChar(strVal), Length(strVal) * SizeOf(WideChar), {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); ckAnsi: begin // , jccISO_8859_1 aStr := strVal; GMSafeIStreamWrite(ADestStream, PAnsiChar(aStr), Length(aStr), {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); end; ckUtf8: begin uStr := strVal; GMSafeIStreamWrite(ADestStream, PAnsiChar(uStr), Length(uStr), {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); end; end; end; { ------------------------------ } { ---- TGMJsonTerminalValue ---- } { ------------------------------ } constructor TGMJsonTerminalValue.CreateString(const AParent: IGMJsonValueBase; const AName, AValue: TGMString; const ARefLifeTime: Boolean); begin inherited Create(AParent, AName, ARefLifeTime); SetStringValue(AValue); end; constructor TGMJsonTerminalValue.CreateValue(const AParent: IGMJsonValueBase; const AName: TGMString; const AValue: RGMJsonValueData; const ARefLifeTime: Boolean); begin inherited Create(AParent, AName, ARefLifeTime); SetValueData(AValue); end; function TGMJsonTerminalValue.ValueKind: EGMJsonValueKind; begin Result := FValueData.ValueKind; end; function TGMJsonTerminalValue.AsString(const AIndent: UnicodeString = ''): UnicodeString; begin Result := AIndent + GMStringJoin(JsonQuotedName(FName), ': ', FValueData.AsJsonSyntax); end; function TGMJsonTerminalValue.GetStringValue: UnicodeString; begin //if (FValueData.ValueKind = jvkString) and (FValueData.StringValue <> nil) then Result := FValueData.StringValue^ else Result := ''; //if (FValueData.ValueKind = jvkString) and (FValueData.StringValue <> nil) then Result := UnicodeString(FValueData.StringValue) else Result := ''; Result := FValueData; end; function TGMJsonTerminalValue.GetUnionValue: RGMUnionValue; begin Result := FValueData; end; procedure TGMJsonTerminalValue.SetUnionValue(const AValue: RGMUnionValue); begin FValueData := AValue; end; procedure TGMJsonTerminalValue.SetStringValue(const AStringValue: UnicodeString); begin FValueData := AStringValue; //SetValueDataString(FValueData, AStringValue); end; function TGMJsonTerminalValue.GetValueData: RGMJsonValueData; begin Result := FValueData; end; procedure TGMJsonTerminalValue.SetValueData(const AValueData: RGMJsonValueData); begin //if FValueData.ValueKind <> jvkUnassigned then FinalizeValueData(FValueData); FValueData := AValueData; end; //function TGMJsonTerminalValue.GetOleValue: OleVariant; //begin // Result := JsonValueDataAsVariant(FValueData); //end; { ------------------------------------- } { ---- TGMJsonUnknownTerminalValue ---- } { ------------------------------------- } //function TGMJsonUnknownTerminalValue.ValueKind: EGMJsonValueKind; //begin //Result := jvkUnassigned; //end; // //function TGMJsonUnknownTerminalValue.AsString(const AIndent: UnicodeString): UnicodeString; //begin //Result := AIndent + GMStringJoin(JsonQuotedName(FName), ': ', '"<' + srUsupportedJsonContent + ': ' + JsonValueDataAsString(FValueData, False)) + '>"'; //end; { ------------------------------- } { ---- TGMJsonValueContainer ---- } { ------------------------------- } function TGMJsonValueContainer._Release: LongInt; begin if not FReleasingMembers and (Length(FValues) = FRefCount-1) then begin FReleasingMembers := True; SetLength(FValues, 0); end; // <- resolve circular references Result := inherited _Release; end; function TGMJsonValueContainer.CreateSubValueIterator(const AReverse: Boolean): IGMJSONValuesIterator; begin Result := TGMJsonArrayIterator<IGMJsonValueBase>.Create(Self, AReverse, True); end; function TGMJsonValueContainer.InternalAddValue(const AValue: IGMJsonValueBase): IGMJsonValueBase; begin if AValue = nil then Result := nil else begin SetLength(FValues, Length(FValues) + 1); FValues[High(FValues)] := AValue; Result := AValue; end; end; function TGMJsonValueContainer.InternalRemoveValue(const AValue: IGMJsonValueBase): Boolean; var i, j: Integer; begin Result := False; i:=Low(FValues); //for i:=Low(FValues) to High(FValues) do while i <= High(FValues) do if FValues[i] <> AValue then Inc(i) else begin for j:=i to High(FValues)-1 do FValues[j] := FValues[j+1]; SetLength(FValues, Length(FValues)-1); Result := True; //Break; // <- assumes no duplicate entries end; end; function TGMJsonValueContainer.ArrayLowBound: PtrInt; begin Result := Low(FValues); end; function TGMJsonValueContainer.ArrayHighBound: PtrInt; begin Result := High(FValues); end; function TGMJsonValueContainer.ArrayLength: PtrInt; begin Result := Length(FValues); end; function TGMJsonValueContainer.GetArrayValueAt(const AIndex: PtrInt): IGMJsonValueBase; begin GMCheckIntRange(srJSONElementIndex, AIndex, Low(FValues), High(FValues), Self, 'GetArrayValueAt'); Result := FValues[AIndex]; end; function TGMJsonValueContainer.IsEmpty: Boolean; begin Result := Length(FValues) <= 0; end; function TGMJsonValueContainer.FirstValue: IGMJsonValueBase; begin if Length(FValues) > 0 then Result := FValues[Low(FValues)] else Result := nil; end; function TGMJsonValueContainer.LastValue: IGMJsonValueBase; begin if Length(FValues) > 0 then Result := FValues[High(FValues)] else Result := nil; end; { ----------------------- } { ---- TGMJsonObject ---- } { ----------------------- } //constructor TGMJsonObject.Create(const ARefLifeTime: Boolean); //begin // inherited Create(ARefLifeTime); // //FValues := TGMIntfArrayCollection.Create(True, False, nil, True); // FValues := TGMGenericArrayCollection<IGMJsonValueBase>.create(True, False, nil, nil, True); //end; // //function TGMJsonObject._Release: LongInt; //begin // if not FReleasingMembers and (FValues <> nil) and (FValues.Count = FRefCount-1) then // begin FReleasingMembers := True; FValues.Clear; end; // <- resolve circular references // // Result := inherited _Release; //end; //function TGMJsonObject.GetValues: IGMGenericArrayCollection<IGMJsonValueBase>; //begin // Result := FValues; //end; function TGMJsonObject.ValueKind: EGMJsonValueKind; begin Result := jvkObject; end; //function TGMJsonObject.InternalAddValue(const AValue: IGMJsonValueBase): IGMJsonValueBase; //begin // //Result := FValues.Add(AValue); // if AValue = nil then Result := nil else // begin // Result := FValues.Add(AValue); // end; // //GMQueryInterface(FValues.Add(AValue), IGMJsonValueBase, Result); //end; // //function TGMJsonObject.InternalRemoveValue(const AValue: IGMJsonValueBase): Boolean; //var it: IGMJSONValuesIterator; entry: IGMJsonValueBase; idx: PtrInt; //begin // idx := 0; // Result := False; // it := FValues.CreateIterator; // while it.NextEntry(entry) do // if entry = AValue then begin FValues.RemoveByIdx(idx); Result := True; end else Inc(idx); //end; // //function TGMJsonObject.CreateSubValueIterator(const AReverse: Boolean): IGMJSONValuesIterator; //begin // Result := Values.CreateIterator(AReverse); //end; function TGMJsonObject.AsString(const AIndent: UnicodeString = ''): UnicodeString; var it: IGMJSONValuesIterator; entry: IGMJsonValueBase; firstVal: Boolean; newLn: TGMString; // unkValue: IUnknown; begin if Length(AIndent) > 0 then newLn := gJsonNewLine else newLn := ''; Result := AIndent + GMStringJoin(JsonQuotedName(FName), ': ', '{'); firstVal := True; it := CreateSubValueIterator; // Values.CreateIterator; while it.NextEntry(entry) do // unkValue //if GMQueryInterface(unkValue, IGMJsonValueBase, entry) then begin if firstVal then begin Result := Result + newLn; firstVal := False; end else Result := Result + ',' + newLn; Result := Result + entry.AsString(AIndent + gDfltIndent); end; Result := Result + newLn + AIndent + '}'; end; { ---------------------- } { ---- TGMJsonArray ---- } { ---------------------- } function TGMJsonArray.ValueKind: EGMJsonValueKind; begin Result := jvkArray; end; function TGMJsonArray.AsString(const AIndent: UnicodeString = ''): UnicodeString; var i: Integer; firstVal: Boolean; newLn: TGMString; begin if Length(AIndent) > 0 then newLn := gJsonNewLine else newLn := ''; Result := AIndent + GMStringJoin(JsonQuotedName(FName), ': ', '['); firstVal := True; for i:= ArrayLowBound to ArrayHighBound do begin if firstVal then begin Result := Result + newLn; firstVal := False; end else Result := Result + ',' + newLn; Result := Result + GetArrayValueAt(i).AsString(AIndent + gDfltIndent); end; Result := Result + newLn + AIndent + ']'; end; { ------------------------- } { ---- TGMJsonDocument ---- } { ------------------------- } constructor TGMJsonDocument.CreateRead(const ASource: ISequentialStream; const ACharCoding: TGMCharKind; const ARefLifeTime: Boolean); begin Create(ARefLifeTime); if ASource <> nil then ParseJsonData(ASource, ACharCoding); end; destructor TGMJsonDocument.Destroy; begin // // Technically calling FValues.Clear is not really needed here since the compiler would clear them at the end // of the destructor call when freeing FValues. But the contained values have references to this instance and the inherited // destructor checks wheter FRefCount is 0. So clearing the values here is only to avoid the ref-count warning // of the inherited destructor. // // This is only a problem in case of an exception in the constructor and no other reference exists. // //if (FValues <> nil) and not FValues.IsEmpty then begin FReleasingMembers := True; FValues.Clear; end; if (Length(FValues) > 0) then begin FReleasingMembers := True; SetLength(FValues, 0); end; inherited; end; procedure TGMJsonDocument.ParseJsonData(const ASource: ISequentialStream; const ACharCoding: TGMCharKind); // const cBufferSize = $10000; // <- 64 KB var byteBuffer: AnsiString; bufByteCount, bufChPos, chPos, lineNo: Integer; ch: WideChar; procedure MissingInputError(const AMissing: TGMString); begin raise XGMJsonParsingError.ObjError(MsgMissingInput(AMissing), Self, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); end; procedure MissingInputErrorChars(const AMissing: TGMString); begin MissingInputError(GMStrAsQuotedChars(AMissing)); end; procedure WrongInputError(const AExpected: TGMString); // , AFound begin raise XGMJsonParsingError.ObjError(MsgExpectedChar(AExpected, ch, chPos-1, lineNo), Self, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); end; procedure WrongInputErrorChars(const AExpected: TGMString); begin WrongInputError(GMStrAsQuotedChars(AExpected)); end; function IsWhiteSpaceChar(ACh: WideChar): Boolean; begin Result := (ACh = ' ') or (ACh = #9) or (ACh = #10) or (ACh = #13); end; function NextChar(var ACh: WideChar): Boolean; var byteCh1, byteCh2: AnsiChar; utf8Str: RawByteString; wStr: UnicodeString; byteCount: Integer; mask: Byte; function NextCharByte(var AByteCh: AnsiChar): Boolean; begin if bufChPos > bufByteCount then begin GMHrCheckObj(ASource.Read(PAnsiChar(byteBuffer), Length(byteBuffer), Pointer(@bufByteCount)), Self, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); bufChPos := 1; end; Result := bufChPos <= bufByteCount; if Result then begin AByteCh := byteBuffer[bufChPos]; Inc(bufChPos); end; end; begin case ACharCoding of ckAnsi: // , jccISO_8859_1 begin Result := NextCharByte(byteCh1); if Result then Word(ACh) := Byte(byteCh1); end; ckUtf16LE: begin Result := NextCharByte(byteCh1) and NextCharByte(byteCh2); if Result then Word(ACh) := Ord(byteCh2) shl 8 + Ord(byteCh1); end; ckUtf8: begin Result := NextCharByte(byteCh1); if Result then begin if Byte(byteCh1) and $80 = 0 then Word(ACh) := Byte(byteCh1) else begin utf8Str := byteCh1; byteCount := 0; mask := $80; while Byte(byteCh1) and mask <> 0 do begin mask := mask shr 1; Inc(byteCount); end; Assert(byteCount > 1, 'byteCount > 1'); Dec(byteCount); while byteCount > 0 do begin if not NextCharByte(byteCh1) then raise XGMJsonParsingError.ObjError(srEndOfInputInUtf8Sequence); utf8Str := utf8Str + byteCh1; Assert((Byte(byteCh1) and $80 <> 0) and (Byte(byteCh1) and $40 = 0), '(Byte(byteCh1) and $80 <> 0) and (Byte(byteCh1) and $40 = 0)'); Dec(byteCount); end; wStr := Utf8Decode(utf8Str); Result := Length(wStr) > 0; if Result then ACh := wStr[1]; end; end; end; else Result := False; end; if Result then begin if ACh = #10 then begin chPos := 1; Inc(lineNo); end else Inc(chPos); end; end; function NextNonWhiteChar(var ACh: WideChar): Boolean; begin Result := True; while Result and IsWhiteSpaceChar(ACh) do Result := NextChar(ACh); end; //function ReadAnythingUntilOneOfChars(const ACharsToFind: UnicodeString; const AForceNextChar: Boolean = False): UnicodeString; //begin // Result := ''; // while (GMStrLScanW(PWideChar(ACharsToFind), ch, Length(ACharsToFind)) = nil) do // begin // Result := Result + ch; // if not NextChar(ch) then MissingInputErrorChars(ACharsToFind); // end; //end; procedure ReadWhiteSpaceUntilOneOfChars(const ACharsToFind: UnicodeString; const AForceNextChar: Boolean = False); begin if AForceNextChar then if not NextChar(ch) then MissingInputErrorChars(ACharsToFind); if GMStrLScanW(PWideChar(ACharsToFind), ch, Length(ACharsToFind)) = nil then if not NextNonWhiteChar(ch) then MissingInputErrorChars(ACharsToFind); if GMStrLScanW(PWideChar(ACharsToFind), ch, Length(ACharsToFind)) = nil then WrongInputErrorChars(ACharsToFind); end; function ParseString: UnicodeString; var i: Integer; chCode: Word; begin SetLength(Result, 0); //if ch <> '"' then if not NextNonWhiteChar(ch) then MissingInputError('"'); ReadWhiteSpaceUntilOneOfChars('"'); repeat if not NextChar(ch) then MissingInputError('"'); case ch of '"': Break; #0..#31: raise XGMJsonParsingError.ObjError(MsgInvalidChar(ch, chPos, lineNo), Self, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); '\': begin if not NextChar(ch) then MissingInputError(srEscapeChar); case ch of '"', '/', '\': Result := Result + ch; 'b', 'B': Result := Result + #8; 't', 'T': Result := Result + #9; 'n', 'N': Result := Result + #10; 'f', 'F': Result := Result + #12; 'r', 'R': Result := Result + #13; 'u', 'U': begin chCode := 0; for i:=1 to 4 do begin if not NextChar(ch) then MissingInputError(srHexDigit); case ch of '0'..'9': chCode := LongInt(chCode shl 4) + Ord(ch) - Ord('0'); 'a'..'f': chCode := LongInt(chCode shl 4) + Ord(ch) - Ord('a') + 10; 'A'..'F': chCode := LongInt(chCode shl 4) + Ord(ch) - Ord('A') + 10; else WrongInputError(srHexDigit); end; end; Result := Result + WideChar(chCode); end; else WrongInputErrorChars('"\/btnfru'); end; end; else Result := Result + ch; end; until False; end; function ParseNumber: RGMJsonValueData; const cValueKind: array [Boolean] of EGMJsonValueKind = (jvkInteger, jvkFloat); var isFloat: Boolean; numStr: UnicodeString; begin // // Simplified parsing not exactly examining the number syntax // //FillByte(Result, SizeOf(Result), 0); Result := Default(RGMJsonValueData); ReadWhiteSpaceUntilOneOfChars('-+0123456789'); isFloat := False; repeat case ch of '-', '+', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'e', 'E': numStr := numStr + ch; '.': begin isFloat := True; numStr := numStr + ch end; else Break; end; if not NextChar(ch) then Break; until False; Result.ValueKind := cValueKind[isFloat]; if isFloat then Result.FloatValue := GMStrToDouble(numStr) else Result.IntValue := GMStrToInt64(numStr); end; //function ParseNumber: RGMJsonValueData; //var neg, isFloat: Boolean; negStr, intPart, fracPart, expPart: TGMString; // procedure SetResult(AValueKind: EGMJsonValueKind; const AStrValue: TGMString); // begin // Result.ValueKind := AValueKind; // case AValueKind of // jvkInteger: Result.IntValue := GMStrToInt(AStrValue); // jvkFloat: Result.FloatValue := GMStrToDouble(AStrValue); // end; // end; //begin // FillByte(Result, SizeOf(Result), 0); // ReadWhiteSpaceUntilOneOfChars('-+0123456789'); // neg := False; isFloat := False; negStr := ''; // case ch of // '-', '+': begin neg := ch = '-'; negStr := negStr + ch; if not NextChar(ch) then MissingInputError(srDecimalDigit); end; // end; // // intPart := ''; // repeat // case ch of // '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9': intPart := intPart + ch; // else Break; // end; // if not NextChar(ch) then Break; // until False; // // if Length(intPart) <= 0 then WrongInputError(srDecimalDigit); // // if ch <> '.' then // begin // Result.ValueKind := jvkInteger; // Result.IntValue := GMStrToInt(negStr + intPart); // Exit; // <- NOTE: Exit here! // end; // // fracPart := ''; expPart := ''; // repeat // case ch of // '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9': fracPart := fracPart + ch; // else Break; // end; // if not NextChar(ch) then Break; // until False; // // if Length(fracPart) <= 0 then WrongInputError(srDecimalDigit); // // if IsWhiteSpaceChar(ch) then if not NextNonWhiteChar(ch) then SetResult(jvkFloat, negStr + intPart + '.' + fracPart); // // case ch of // 'e', 'E': ... ; // else SetResult(jvkFloat, negStr + intPart + '.' + fracPart); // end; //end; function ParseLiteralTerminal: RGMJsonValueData; procedure ParseLiteral(const ALiteral: UnicodeString); var i: Integer; begin for i:=1 to Length(ALiteral) do begin if ch <> ALiteral[i] then WrongInputErrorChars(ALiteral[i]); if not NextChar(ch) then if i < Length(ALiteral) then MissingInputErrorChars(ALiteral[i+1]); end; end; begin //FillByte(Result, SizeOf(Result), 0); Result := Default(RGMJsonValueData); // ReadWhiteSpaceUntilOneOfChars('tfn'); case ch of 't': begin ParseLiteral(scJsonTrue); Result.ValueKind := jvkBoolean; Result.BoolValue := True; end; 'f': begin ParseLiteral(scJsonFalse); Result.ValueKind := jvkBoolean; Result.BoolValue := False; end; 'n': begin ParseLiteral(scJsonNull); Result.ValueKind := jvkNull; end; else WrongInputErrorChars('tfn'); end; end; function ParseValue(const AParent: IGMJsonValueBase; const AName: UnicodeString): IGMJsonValueBase; forward; procedure ParseArray(const AJsonArray: IGMJsonValueBase); var arrayIsEmpty: Boolean; begin if AJsonArray = nil then Exit; // ReadWhiteSpaceUntilOneOfChars('['); arrayIsEmpty := True; repeat if not NextChar(ch) then MissingInputError(srValueData); if arrayIsEmpty and not NextNonWhiteChar(ch) then MissingInputError(srValueData); if not arrayIsEmpty or (ch <> ']') then begin ParseValue(AJsonArray, ''); ReadWhiteSpaceUntilOneOfChars(',]'); end; arrayIsEmpty := False; until ch = ']'; end; procedure ParseJsonObject(const AJsonObj: IGMJsonValueBase); var name: TGMString; begin if AJsonObj = nil then Exit; // ReadWhiteSpaceUntilOneOfChars('{'); repeat ReadWhiteSpaceUntilOneOfChars('"}', True); if ch <> '}' then begin name := ParseString; ReadWhiteSpaceUntilOneOfChars(':', True); if not NextChar(ch) then MissingInputError(srValueData); ParseValue(AJsonObj, name); ReadWhiteSpaceUntilOneOfChars(',}'); end; until ch = '}'; end; function ParseValue(const AParent: IGMJsonValueBase; const AName: UnicodeString): IGMJsonValueBase; procedure _ReadNextChar; begin // if not NextChar(ch) then MissingInputErrorChars('"}]'); if not NextChar(ch) then ch := ' '; end; begin if not NextNonWhiteChar(ch) then MissingInputError(srValueData); case ch of '"': begin Result := TGMJsonTerminalValue.CreateString(AParent, AName, ParseString); _ReadNextChar; end; '{': begin Result := TGMJsonObject.Create(AParent, AName); ParseJsonObject(Result); _ReadNextChar; end; '[': begin Result := TGMJsonArray.Create(AParent, AName); ParseArray(Result); _ReadNextChar; end; '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9': // '+' Result := TGMJsonTerminalValue.CreateValue(AParent, AName, ParseNumber); 't', 'f', 'n': Result := TGMJsonTerminalValue.CreateValue(AParent, AName, ParseLiteralTerminal); else WrongInputErrorChars('"{[-0123456789tfn'); // + // Result := TGMJsonUnknownTerminalValue.CreateString(AName, ReadAnythingUntilOneOfChars(',}]')); end; end; procedure ParseRootValues; begin while NextNonWhiteChar(ch) do ParseValue(Self, ''); end; begin if ASource <> nil then begin SetLength(byteBuffer, cDfltCopyBufferSize); chPos := 1; lineNo := 1; bufByteCount := 0; bufChPos := 1; ch := ' '; ParseRootValues; end; end; function TGMJsonDocument.AsString(const AIndent: UnicodeString): UnicodeString; var it: IGMJSONValuesIterator; val: IGMJsonValueBase; firstVal: Boolean; // unkValue: IUnknown; begin //Result := AIndent + GMStringJoin(JsonQuotedName(FName), ': ', '{'); Result := ''; firstVal := True; it := CreateSubValueIterator; while it.NextEntry(val) do // unkValue //if GMQueryInterface(unkValue, IGMJsonValueBase, val) then begin if Length(AIndent) > 0 then if firstVal then firstVal := False else Result := Result + gJsonNewLine; Result := Result + val.AsString(AIndent); end; //Result := Result + gJsonNewLine + AIndent + '}'; end; { ------------------------------ } { ---- TGMJsonArrayIterator ---- } { ------------------------------ } constructor TGMJsonArrayIterator<T>.Create(const AJsonArray: IUnknown; const AReverse, ARefLifeTime: Boolean); begin inherited Create(ARefLifeTime); FReverse := AReverse; GMQueryInterface(AJsonArray, IGMJsonValueContainer, FJsonArray); Reset; end; function TGMJsonArrayIterator<T>.NextEntry(var AEntry: T): Boolean; begin Result := (FJsonArray <> nil) and (FPosition >= FJsonArray.ArrayLowBound) and (FPosition <= FJsonArray.ArrayHighBound); //vfGMTrace('Array bounds: ' + GMIntToStr(FJsonArray.ArrayLowBound)+' .. '+GMIntToStr(FJsonArray.ArrayHighBound), 'Array'); if not Result then Exit; AEntry := FJsonArray[FPosition]; if FReverse then Dec(FPosition) else Inc(FPosition); end; procedure TGMJsonArrayIterator<T>.Reset; begin if FJsonArray = nil then FPosition := 0 else if FReverse then FPosition := FJsonArray.ArrayHighBound else FPosition := FJsonArray.ArrayLowBound; end; end.