{ +-------------------------------------------------------------+ } { | | } { | GM-Software | } { | =========== | } { | | } { | Project: All Projects | } { | | } { | Description: Implementation of the IMAP protocol RFC 3501.| } { | https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3501 | } { | | } { | Copyright (C) - 2018 - Gerrit Moeller. | } { | | } { | Source code distributed under MIT license. | } { | | } { | See: https://www.gm-software.de | } { | | } { +-------------------------------------------------------------+ } {$INCLUDE GMCompilerSettings.inc} unit GMImap; interface uses {$IFDEF JEDIAPI}{$IFNDEF FPC}jwaWinType,{$ENDIF}{$ELSE}Windows,{$ENDIF} GMStrDef, GMActiveX, GMCollections, GMIntf, GMCommon, GMINetBase, GMSockets; type {ToDo: Handle EXPUNGE responses} {TODO: Improve ReconnectIfDisconnected} {TODO: ReadResponseLine exception when connection was closed by the server due to inactivity} {TODO: Restore IMAP state (Login and Mailbox) after reconnect} {TODO: Handle untagged Ok response PERMANENTFLAGS after EXAMINE/SELECT} {TODO: Better exception message if AllowedTags are violated} {TODO: Translate resource strings} // // Things universal to all e-mail clients // RCommandResponse = record CommandId: TGMString; ResponseMsg: TGMString; end; IGMClientAuthOperations = interface(IUnknown) ['{92C29799-D54E-45BD-80BD-DEAE2C9E22C2}'] function ServerHasCapability(const ACapability: TGMString): Boolean; procedure ClearServerCapabilities; function StartCommand(const ACommand: TGMString): RCommandResponse; function ContinueCommand(const ACommandID: TGMString; ACommand: AnsiString): TGMString; end; IGMSASLClientAuthenticationHandler = interface(IGMGetName) ['{771610D6-0121-4B90-91C7-8B371E3480C2}'] procedure ExecuteAuthentification(const AClient: IGMClientAuthOperations; const AUsername, APassword: TGMString); function IsEnabled(const AClient: IGMClientAuthOperations): Boolean; end; TGMeMailClientBase = class(TGMINetProtocolBase, IGMClientAuthOperations) protected FHost, FPrevHost, FPort, FPrevPort, FUserName, FPassword: TGMString; FPrevUsingTLS: Boolean; FTransportLayerSocket: IGMSocketIO; FTransportLayer: ISequentialStream; FAskCanceled, FAskLoginData, FCertificateStatusNotifySink: IUnknown; FCertificateData: AnsiString; public // IGMClientAuthOperations function ServerHasCapability(const ACapability: TGMString): Boolean; virtual; procedure ClearServerCapabilities; virtual; function StartCommand(const ACommand: TGMString): RCommandResponse; virtual; function ContinueCommand(const ACommandID: TGMString; ACommand: AnsiString): TGMString; virtual; public function IsTransportLayerConnected: Boolean; virtual; function ConnectTransportLayer(AHost, APort: TGMString): IGMSocketIO; virtual; function IsUsingTLS: Boolean; procedure DisconnectTransportLayer; virtual; function ReconnectIfDisconnected: Boolean; virtual; function ChooseAuthenticationHandler(const AServerAuthSchemes: TGMStringArray): IGMSASLClientAuthenticationHandler; {$IFDEF TLS_SUPPORT} procedure ExecuteTLSNegotiation; {$ENDIF} end; // // IMAP client // EGMImapException = class(EGMINetException); TGMImapTagKind = (cmdTagged, cmdUntagged); TGMImapTagKinds = set of TGMImapTagKind; TGMImapResponseKind = (irkUnknown, irkOk, irkNo, irkBad, irkBye, irkPreAuth, irkCapability, irkList, irkLSub, irkStatus, irkSearch, irkFlags, irkExists, irkRecent, irkExpunge, irkFetch); TGMImapMailBoxSystemFlag = (mbfSeen, mbfAnswered, mbfFlagged, mbfDeleted, mbfDraft, mbfRecent); TGMImapMailBoxSystemFlags = set of TGMImapMailBoxSystemFlag; TGMImapResponseDescRec = record ResponseKind: TGMImapResponseKind; AllowedTags: TGMImapTagKinds; SyntaxToken: TGMString; end; TGMImapMailboxCounterKind = (isvkMessages, isvkRecent, isvkUIDNext, isvkUIDValidity, isvkUnseen); TGMImapMailboxCounterKinds = set of TGMImapMailboxCounterKind; PGMImapMailboxCounters = ^TGMImapMailboxCounters; TGMImapMailboxCounters = record MailBoxName: TGMString; SystemFlags: TGMImapMailBoxSystemFlags; Counter: array [TGMImapMailboxCounterKind] of Int64; end; TGMImapMailboxAttribute = (maNoinferiors, maNoselect, maMarked, maUnmarked); TGMImapMailboxAttributes = set of TGMImapMailboxAttribute; IGMTellImapListEntry = interface(IUnknown) ['{0ECDB403-AE7F-47EC-B5F8-3C62181A60CE}'] function TellImapListEntry(const AMailBoxName, APathDelimiter: TGMString; const AAttributes: TGMImapMailboxAttributes; const AEnumParam: PtrInt): Boolean; end; TGMImapResponseDescObj = class; IGMImapResponseDescObj = interface(IUnknown) ['{8CCE2D0A-49A2-4091-82B4-C935676B7392}'] function Obj: TGMImapResponseDescObj; end; TGMImapResponseDescObj = class(TGMNameObj, IGMImapResponseDescObj) public FResponseKind: TGMImapResponseKind; FAllowedTags: TGMImapTagKinds; constructor Create(const AResponseKind: TGMImapResponseKind; const ASyntaxToken: TGMString; const AAllowedTags: TGMImapTagKinds); reintroduce; overload; function Obj: TGMImapResponseDescObj; end; PGMImapServerResponse = ^TGMImapServerResponse; TGMImapServerResponse = record CommandTagStr: TGMString; ResponseKind: TGMImapResponseKind; ResponseTagStr: TGMString; ResponseToken: TGMSTring; AllowedTags: TGMImapTagKinds; OptionalResposeCodeStr: TGMSTring; Number: Int64; MsgText: TGMString; end; TGMImapClient = class; TGMImapState = (istNotConnected, istUnAuthenticated, istAuthenticated, istSelected); PGMImapResponseDataDestinations = ^TGMImapResponseDataDestinations; TGMImapResponseDataDestinations = record EnumSink: IUnknown; EnumParam: PtrInt; EnumCanceled: Boolean; PStatusResponse: PGMImapMailboxCounters; end; IGMImapClient = interface(IUnknown) ['{D163A1B3-43C5-4BF7-8704-359A0B0519CD}'] function Obj2: TGMImapClient; end; IGMImapCommand = Interface(IGMGetName) ['{CF34B0F9-ACD6-4539-B488-8B995FEEFE7D}'] procedure ProcessCmdResponse(const AImapClient: IGMImapClient; var AServerResponse: TGMImapServerResponse); end; TGMImapCommand = class(TGMNameAndStrValueObj, IGMImapCommand) public function QualifiedName: TGMString; function TagKinds: TGMImapTagKinds; virtual; procedure ProcessCmdResponse(const AImapClient: IGMImapClient; var AServerResponse: TGMImapServerResponse); virtual; end; TGMImapCommandClass = class of TGMImapCommand; TGMSASLClientAuthenticationHandlerBase = class(TGMRefCountedObj, IGMGetName, IGMSASLClientAuthenticationHandler) protected FAuthSchemeName: TGMString; public // constructor Create(const AAuthSchemeName: TGMString; const ARefLifeTime: Boolean = True); reintroduce; overload; procedure ExecuteAuthentification(const AClient: IGMClientAuthOperations; const AUsername, APassword: TGMString); virtual; function GetName: TGMString; stdcall; function IsEnabled(const AClient: IGMClientAuthOperations): Boolean; virtual; end; TGMSASLClientAuthenticationHandlerClass = class of TGMSASLClientAuthenticationHandlerBase; TGMPlainClientAuthenticationHandler = class(TGMSASLClientAuthenticationHandlerBase) public constructor Create(const ARefLifeTime: Boolean = True); override; procedure ExecuteAuthentification(const AClient: IGMClientAuthOperations; const AUsername, APassword: TGMString); override; end; TGMLoginClientAuthenticationHandler = class(TGMSASLClientAuthenticationHandlerBase) public constructor Create(const ARefLifeTime: Boolean = True); override; procedure ExecuteAuthentification(const AClient: IGMClientAuthOperations; const AUsername, APassword: TGMString); override; function IsEnabled(const AClient: IGMClientAuthOperations): Boolean; override; end; {$IFDEF TLS_SUPPORT} TGMNtlmClientAuthenticationHandler = class(TGMSASLClientAuthenticationHandlerBase) public constructor Create(const ARefLifeTime: Boolean = True); override; procedure ExecuteAuthentification(const AClient: IGMClientAuthOperations; const AUsername, APassword: TGMString); override; end; {$ENDIF} //TGMImapCommandLogout = class(TGMImapCommand) // public // procedure ProcessCmdResponse(const AImapClient: IGMImapClient; var AServerResponse: TGMImapServerResponse); override; //end; {$IFDEF TLS_SUPPORT} //TGMImapCommandStartTLS = class(TGMImapCommand) // public // procedure ProcessCmdResponse(const AImapClient: IGMImapClient; var AServerResponse: TGMImapServerResponse); override; //end; {$ENDIF} //IGMMailboxListEntry = interface(IGMGetName) // ['{53697C24-6782-44A2-A34A-E1B5943CB1F0}'] // function GetPathDelimiter: TGMString; // function GetAttributes: TGMImapMailboxAttributes; // // property PathDelimiter: TGMString read GetPathDelimiter; // property Attributes: TGMImapMailboxAttributes read GetAttributes; //end; // //TGMMailboxListEntry = class(TGMNameObj, IGMMailboxListEntry) // public // FPathDelimiter: TGMString; // FAttributes: TGMImapMailboxAttributes; // // function GetPathDelimiter: TGMString; // function GetAttributes: TGMImapMailboxAttributes; // // constructor Create(const AMailboxName, APathDelimiter: TGMString; const AAttributes: TGMImapMailboxAttributes; const ARefLifeTime: Boolean = True); overload; // //// property PathDelimiter: TGMString read GetPathDelimiter; //// property Attributes: TGMImapMailboxAttributes read GetAttributes; //end; TGMImapClient = class(TGMeMailClientBase, IGMImapClient) protected FNextCmdTagNo: PtrUInt; FCommandsInProgress: IGMIntfCollection; FState: TGMImapState; FServerCapabilities: IGMIntfCollection; FServerWantsDisconnect: Boolean; FSelectedMailbox: TGMImapMailboxCounters; FServerAuthSchemes: TGMStringArray; function BuildNextCmdTag: TGMString; function ExecCommand(const ACommand: TGMString; const AResponseDataDestinations: PGMImapResponseDataDestinations = nil; ACommandClass: TGMImapCommandClass = nil): TGMImapServerResponse; function UpdateCapabilities(const ACapabilities: TGMString): Boolean; procedure ProcessOkResponse(AServerResponse: PGMImapServerResponse); procedure ProcessUntaggedResponse(AServerResponse: PGMImapServerResponse; const AResponseDataDestinations: PGMImapResponseDataDestinations = nil); function ReadResponses(const ACommandTag: TGMString; const AResponseDataDestinations: PGMImapResponseDataDestinations = nil): TGMImapServerResponse; public constructor Create(const ARefLifeTime: Boolean = True); overload; override; // constructor Create(const ATransportLayer: ISequentialStream; const ARefLifeTime: Boolean = True); reintroduce; overload; destructor Destroy; override; function Obj2: TGMImapClient; function ProtocolDisplayName: TGMString; override; function ConnectTransportLayer(AHost, APort: TGMString): IGMSocketIO; override; procedure DisconnectTransportLayer; override; function ReconnectIfDisconnected: Boolean; override; procedure CheckServerHasCapability(const ACapability: TGMString; const ACallingName: TGMString = ''); function CheckFindCommandInProgress(const ACommandTag: TGMString; const ARemove: Boolean): IGMImapCommand; // IGMClientAuthOperations function ServerHasCapability(const ACapability: TGMString): Boolean; override; function StartCommand(const ACommand: TGMString): RCommandResponse; override; function ContinueCommand(const ACommandID: TGMString; AClientData: AnsiString): TGMString; override; procedure ClearServerCapabilities; override; // Imap Commands procedure NOOP; procedure Authenticate(const AUserName, APassword: TGMString; const AAuthHandlerClass: TGMSASLClientAuthenticationHandlerClass = nil); // procedure Login(const AUserName, APassword: TGMString); procedure List(const AMailboxPath, AMailboxName: TGMString; const AEnumSink: IUnknown; const AEnumParam: PtrInt); function Status(const AMailboxName: TGMString; const AMailBoxCounterKinds: TGMImapMailboxCounterKinds): TGMImapMailboxCounters; procedure Close; procedure Expunge; procedure Logout; procedure Create_(const AMailboxName: TGMString); procedure Delete(const AMailboxName: TGMString); procedure Rename(const AExistingMailboxName, ANewMailboxName: TGMString); procedure Examine(const AMailboxName: TGMString); procedure Select(const AMailboxName: TGMString); procedure Fetch(const ADataItems: TGMString; const AEnumSink: IUnknown; const AEnumParam: PtrInt); function Capability: IGMIntfCollection; {$IFDEF TLS_SUPPORT} procedure StartTLS; {$ENDIF} property CommandsInProgress: IGMIntfCollection read FCommandsInProgress; property ServerCapabilities: IGMIntfCollection read FServerCapabilities; property State: TGMImapState read FState; property SelectedMailbox: TGMImapMailboxCounters read FSelectedMailbox; end; function ParseImapServerResponseLine(const AResponseLine: TGMString): TGMImapServerResponse; procedure ResetMailBoxCounters(var AMailboxCounters: TGMImapMailboxCounters); function GMAssignResponseDataDestinations(const AEnumSink: IUnknown = nil; const AEnumParam: PtrInt = 0; const APStatusResponse: PGMImapMailboxCounters = nil): TGMImapResponseDataDestinations; function ResponseMsgFromServerResponse(const AServerResponse: TGMImapServerResponse): TGMString; function InitCommandResponse(const ACommandId: TGMString = ''; const AResponseMsg: TGMString = ''): RCommandResponse; const cGMImapSASL_IR = 'SASL-IR'; cGMImapServerResponseDescs: array [TGMImapResponseKind] of TGMImapResponseDescRec = ( (ResponseKind: irkUnknown; AllowedTags: []; SyntaxToken: ''), (ResponseKind: irkOk; AllowedTags: [cmdTagged, cmdUntagged]; SyntaxToken: 'OK'), (ResponseKind: irkNo; AllowedTags: [cmdTagged, cmdUntagged]; SyntaxToken: 'NO'), (ResponseKind: irkBad; AllowedTags: [cmdTagged, cmdUntagged]; SyntaxToken: 'BAD'), (ResponseKind: irkBye; AllowedTags: [cmdUntagged]; SyntaxToken: 'BYE'), (ResponseKind: irkPreAuth; AllowedTags: [cmdUntagged]; SyntaxToken: 'PREAUTH'), (ResponseKind: irkCapability; AllowedTags: [cmdUntagged]; SyntaxToken: 'CAPABILITY'), (ResponseKind: irkList; AllowedTags: [cmdUntagged]; SyntaxToken: 'LIST'), (ResponseKind: irkLSub; AllowedTags: [cmdUntagged]; SyntaxToken: 'LSUB'), (ResponseKind: irkStatus; AllowedTags: [cmdUntagged]; SyntaxToken: 'STATUS'), (ResponseKind: irkSearch; AllowedTags: [cmdUntagged]; SyntaxToken: 'SEARCH'), (ResponseKind: irkFlags; AllowedTags: [cmdUntagged]; SyntaxToken: 'FLAGS'), (ResponseKind: irkExists; AllowedTags: [cmdUntagged]; SyntaxToken: 'EXISTS'), (ResponseKind: irkRecent; AllowedTags: [cmdUntagged]; SyntaxToken: 'RECENT'), (ResponseKind: irkExpunge; AllowedTags: [cmdUntagged]; SyntaxToken: 'EXPUNGE'), (ResponseKind: irkFetch; AllowedTags: [cmdUntagged]; SyntaxToken: 'FETCH') ); cAllStatusValueKinds = [Low(TGMImapMailboxCounterKind) .. High(TGMImapMailboxCounterKind)]; cGMMailBoxCounterKindToken: array [TGMImapMailboxCounterKind] of TGMString = ('MESSAGES', 'RECENT', 'UIDNEXT', 'UIDVALIDITY', 'UNSEEN'); cGMMailboxAttributeToken: array [TGMImapMailboxAttribute] of TGMString = ('\Noinferiors', '\Noselect', '\Marked', '\Unmarked'); cGMImapMailBoxSystemFlagToken: array [TGMImapMailBoxSystemFlag] of TGMSTring = ('\Seen', '\Answered', '\Flagged', '\Deleted', '\Draft', '\Recent'); cGMImapBase64Alphabet = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+,'; cSASLAuthHandlerDefs: array [0..{$IFDEF TLS_SUPPORT}2{$ELSE}1{$ENDIF}] of TGMSASLClientAuthenticationHandlerClass = (TGMPlainClientAuthenticationHandler, TGMLoginClientAuthenticationHandler{$IFDEF TLS_SUPPORT}, TGMNtlmClientAuthenticationHandler{$ENDIF}); //cSASLAuthHandlerDefs: array [0..0] of TGMSASLClientAuthenticationHandlerClass = (TGMPlainClientAuthenticationHandler); implementation uses GMCharCoding {$IFDEF TLS_SUPPORT}, GMOpenSSL, GMNtlm{$ENDIF}; resourcestring RStrCmdTagNotFound = 'No command found with tag "%s"'; RStrInvalidCmdTag = 'Invalid command tag "%s"'; RStrFromServer = 'received from server'; RStrBadCommand = '%s, bad command: %s'; RStrCommandFailed = '%s, command failed: %s'; RStrUnsupportedResponseToken = '%s, command response token not supported: "%s"'; RStrCapabilityNotSupported = '%s Cpability "%s" not supported by the server'; //RStrLoginDisabled = 'The LOGIN command is disabled, call STARTTLS before using the LOGIN command'; //RStrLoginCommandNotSupported = 'The LOGIN command is not supported by the server, use AUTHENTICATE instead'; RStrAuthschemeNotAllowed = 'The authentification scheme "%s" is disabled or not supported'; RStrNoCommonAuthScheme = 'No authentication scheme found that is supported by both the client and the server'; RStrCommandTagNotAllowed = '%s, command tag not allowed "%s"'; RStrUnexpectedEndOfData = 'Unexpected end of Utf-7 data, expected: %s'; RStrHyphenOrBase64Char = '"-" or BASE64 character'; RStrUnterminatedBase64InUtf7 = 'Unterminated BASE64 sequence while decoding Utf-7'; RStrImapNotConnected = 'Not connected to any IMAP server'; RStrInvalidContinuationLineLength = 'Invalid continuation line length %d, should be %d'; RStrMissingContinuationNumStart = 'Continuation line length start char "{" not found'; var vCSCreateServerResponseDescs: IGMCriticalSection = nil; vCSCreateSASLAuthHandlers: IGMCriticalSection = nil; vImapServerResponses: IGMIntfCollection = nil; vBase64ImapDecodeTable: RawByteString = ''; vSASLAuthenticationHandlers: IGMIntfCollection = nil; { ------------------------- } { ---- Global Routines ---- } { ------------------------- } function SASLAuthenticationHandlers: IGMIntfCollection; var i: Integer; begin if vCSCreateSASLAuthHandlers <> nil then vCSCreateSASLAuthHandlers.EnterCriticalSection; try if vSASLAuthenticationHandlers = nil then begin vSASLAuthenticationHandlers := TGMIntfArrayCollection.Create(False, True, GMCompareByString); for i:=Low(cSASLAuthHandlerDefs) to High(cSASLAuthHandlerDefs) do vSASLAuthenticationHandlers.Add(cSASLAuthHandlerDefs[i].Create(True)); end; Result := vSASLAuthenticationHandlers; finally if vCSCreateSASLAuthHandlers <> nil then vCSCreateSASLAuthHandlers.LeaveCriticalSection; end; end; procedure ClearImapServerResponse(var AServerResponse: TGMImapServerResponse); begin AServerResponse.CommandTagStr := ''; AServerResponse.ResponseKind := irkUnknown; AServerResponse.ResponseTagStr := ''; AServerResponse.ResponseToken := ''; AServerResponse.AllowedTags := []; AServerResponse.OptionalResposeCodeStr := ''; AServerResponse.Number := 0; AServerResponse.MsgText := ''; end; function InitCommandResponse(const ACommandId, AResponseMsg: TGMString): RCommandResponse; begin Result.CommandId := ACommandId; Result.ResponseMsg := AResponseMsg; end; { ---------------------------- } { ---- TGMeMailClientBase ---- } { ---------------------------- } function TGMeMailClientBase.ConnectTransportLayer(AHost, APort: TGMString): IGMSocketIO; var socket: IGMSocket; begin if not (GMSameText(FHost, AHost) and GMSameText(FPort, APort)) then begin DisconnectTransportLayer; socket := TGMTcpSocket.Create(vDfltInetAddrFamily, FAskCanceled); socket.Connect(AHost, APort); FTransportLayerSocket := socket; FTransportLayer := TGMSocketStream.Create(FTransportLayerSocket); FHost := AHost; FPort := APort; end; Result := socket; end; function TGMeMailClientBase.IsTransportLayerConnected: Boolean; begin Result := FTransportLayer <> nil; end; procedure TGMeMailClientBase.DisconnectTransportLayer; begin // May be entered more than once! FPrevUsingTLS := IsUsingTLS; FTransportLayer := nil; FTransportLayerSocket := nil; FPrevHost := FHost; FPrevPort := FPort; FHost := ''; FPort := ''; end; {$IFDEF TLS_SUPPORT} procedure TGMeMailClientBase.ExecuteTLSNegotiation; var socket: IGMSocket; begin if GMQueryInterface(FTransportLayerSocket, IGMSocket, socket) then begin FTransportLayer := nil; FTransportLayerSocket := GMAddTlsLayer(socket, FHost, FCertificateStatusNotifySink, FCertificateData); FTransportLayer := TGMSocketStream.Create(FTransportLayerSocket); end; end; {$ENDIF} function TGMeMailClientBase.IsUsingTLS: Boolean; var objInfo: IGMObjInfo; begin Result := GMQueryInterface(FTransportLayerSocket, IGMObjInfo, objInfo) and (objInfo.Instance is TGMOpenSslClientSocket); end; function TGMeMailClientBase.ReconnectIfDisconnected: Boolean; begin Result := IsTransportLayerConnected; if not Result and (Length(FPrevHost) > 0) and (Length(FPrevPort) > 0) then begin ConnectTransportLayer(FPrevHost, FPrevPort); Result := IsTransportLayerConnected; end; end; function TGMeMailClientBase.ChooseAuthenticationHandler(const AServerAuthSchemes: TGMStringArray): IGMSASLClientAuthenticationHandler; var i: Integer; searchName: RGMNameRec; unkAuthHandler: IUnknown; begin for i:=Low(AServerAuthSchemes) to High(AServerAuthSchemes) do begin searchName.Name := AServerAuthSchemes[i]; if SASLAuthenticationHandlers.Find(searchName, unkAuthHandler) and GMQueryInterface(unkAuthHandler, IGMSASLClientAuthenticationHandler, Result) and Result.IsEnabled(Self) then Exit; end; Result := nil; end; procedure TGMeMailClientBase.ClearServerCapabilities; begin // Nothing, to be overridden in derived class. end; function TGMeMailClientBase.ContinueCommand(const ACommandID: TGMString; ACommand: AnsiString): TGMString; begin Result := ''; // Nothing, to be overridden in derived class. end; function TGMeMailClientBase.ServerHasCapability(const ACapability: TGMString): Boolean; begin Result := False; end; function TGMeMailClientBase.StartCommand(const ACommand: TGMString): RCommandResponse; begin // Nothing, to be overridden in derived class. Result := InitCommandResponse('', ''); end; { ------------------------------ } { ---- IMAP Global Routines ---- } { ------------------------------ } function ImapServerResponseDescs: IGMIntfCollection; var rk: TGMImapResponseKind; begin if vCSCreateServerResponseDescs <> nil then vCSCreateServerResponseDescs.EnterCriticalSection; try if vImapServerResponses = nil then begin vImapServerResponses := TGMIntfArrayCollection.Create(False, True, GMCompareByString); for rk := Low(rk) to High(rk) do vImapServerResponses.Add(TGMImapResponseDescObj.Create(rk, cGMImapServerResponseDescs[rk].SyntaxToken, cGMImapServerResponseDescs[rk].AllowedTags)); end; Result := vImapServerResponses; finally if vCSCreateServerResponseDescs <> nil then vCSCreateServerResponseDescs.LeaveCriticalSection; end; end; function InsertImapQuotedEscChars(const AValue: TGMString): TGMString; var i: Integer; begin Result := AValue; i:=1; while i <= Length(Result) do begin case Result[i] of // ' ': begin Result[i] := '\'; System.Insert('s', Result, i+1); Inc(i); end; // #9: begin Result[i] := '\'; System.Insert('t', Result, i+1); Inc(i); end; // #10: begin Result[i] := '\'; System.Insert('n', Result, i+1); Inc(i); end; // #13: begin Result[i] := '\'; System.Insert('r', Result, i+1); Inc(i); end; '"': begin System.Insert('\', Result, i); Inc(i); end; '\': begin System.Insert('\', Result, i); Inc(i); end; end; Inc(i); // <- Additional increment here! end; end; function ResolveImapQuotedEscChars(const AValue: TGMString; const ACaller: TObject = nil): TGMString; var i: Integer; ch, prevCh: TGMChar; begin i:=1; Result := AValue; prevCh := #0; while i <= Length(Result) do begin ch := Result[i]; if prevCh <> '\' then Inc(i) else case ch of // 's': begin Result[i-1] := ' '; System.Delete(Result, i, 1); end; // <- No increment here! // 't': begin Result[i-1] := #9; System.Delete(Result, i, 1); end; // <- No increment here! // 'n': begin Result[i-1] := #10; System.Delete(Result, i, 1); end; // <- No increment here! // 'r': begin Result[i-1] := #13; System.Delete(Result, i, 1); end; // <- No increment here! '"': begin System.Delete(Result, i-1, 1); ch := #0; end; // <- No increment here! '\': begin System.Delete(Result, i-1, 1); ch := #0; end; // <- No increment here! else raise EGMImapException.ObjError(GMFormat(RStrInvalidESCSequenceFmt, ['' + prevCh + ch, AValue, i-1]), ACaller, 'ResolveImapQuotedEscChars'); // Inc(i); end; prevCh := ch; end; end; function ImapMailboxNameNeedsQuotation(const AMailboxName: TGMString): Boolean; var i: PtrInt; begin for i:=1 to Length(AMailboxName) do case AMailboxName[i] of #0 .. #31, '(', ')', '{', ' ', '%', '*', '"', '\', ']': begin Result := True; Exit; end; end; Result := Length(AMailboxName) <= 0; end; function QuoteImapNameIfNeeded(const AMailboxName: TGMString): TGMString; begin Result := AMailboxName; if ImapMailboxNameNeedsQuotation(Result) then Result := '"' + InsertImapQuotedEscChars(Result) + '"'; end; function GMEncodeBase64ImapStr(const ABinValueBytes: AnsiString; const AAddPadding: Boolean = False): TGMString; begin Result := GMEncodeBaseXX(ABinValueBytes, cGMImapBase64Alphabet, 6, AAddPadding, 4); end; function GMDecodeBase64ImapStr(const AValue: TGMString): AnsiString; begin BuildDecodeTable(vBase64ImapDecodeTable, cGMImapBase64Alphabet); Result := GMDecodeBaseXX(AValue, vBase64ImapDecodeTable, 6, 'GMDecodeBase64ImapStr'); end; procedure SwapByteOrder(var ABinValueString: AnsiString); var i, j: PtrInt; ch: AnsiChar; begin //i:=1; //while i <= Length(binStr) do for i:=0 to (Length(ABinValueString) div 2) - 1 do // <- a for loop does not have to check a condition, and should therefore be faster! begin j := i*2 + 1; ch := ABinValueString[j]; ABinValueString[j] := ABinValueString[j+1]; ABinValueString[j+1] := ch; // Inc(i, 2); end; end; function EncodeImapUtf7(const AValue: TGMString): TGMString; var chPos: PtrInt; non7BitPart: UnicodeString; procedure TerminateBase64; var binStr: AnsiString; begin if Length(non7BitPart) > 0 then begin SetLength(binStr, Length(non7BitPart) * SizeOf(WideChar)); System.Move(non7BitPart[1], binStr[1], Length(binStr)); SwapByteOrder(binStr); Result := Result + '&' + GMEncodeBase64ImapStr(binStr, False) + '-'; non7BitPart := ''; end; end; begin Result := ''; non7BitPart := ''; for chPos:=1 to Length(AValue) do case AValue[chPos] of #$20 .. #$25, #$27 .. #$7e: begin TerminateBase64; Result := Result + AValue[chPos]; end; '&': Result := Result + '&-'; else non7BitPart := non7BitPart + AValue[chPos]; end; TerminateBase64; end; function DecodeImapUtf7(const AValue: TGMString; const ACaller: TObject = nil): TGMString; var chPos: PtrInt; base64Part: TGMString; binStr: AnsiString; decodedStr: UnicodeString; begin Result := ''; // base64Part := ''; chPos := 1; while chPos <= Length(AValue) do begin case AValue[chPos] of #$20 .. #$25, #$27 .. #$7e: Result := Result + AValue[chPos]; '&': begin if Length(AValue) <= chPos then raise EGMImapException.ObjError(GMFormat(RStrUnexpectedEndOfData, [RStrHyphenOrBase64Char]), ACaller, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); Inc(chPos); case AValue[chPos] of '-': Result := Result + '&'; else begin base64Part := ''; while (AValue[chPos] <> '-') and (chPos <= Length(AValue)) do begin base64Part := base64Part + AValue[chPos]; Inc(chPos); end; if AValue[chPos] <> '-' then raise EGMImapException.ObjError(RStrUnterminatedBase64InUtf7, ACaller, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); binStr := GMDecodeBase64ImapStr(base64Part); base64Part := ''; // <- free memory early SwapByteOrder(binStr); SetLength(decodedStr, Length(binStr) div SizeOf(WideChar)); System.Move(binStr[1], decodedStr[1], Length(decodedStr) * SizeOf(WideChar)); Result := Result + decodedStr; end; end; end; end; Inc(chPos); end; end; function EncodeMailboxName(const AName: TGMString): TGMString; begin Result := QuoteImapNameIfNeeded(EncodeImapUtf7(AName)); end; function UnquotedName(const AName: TGMString): TGMString; begin if (Length(AName) < 2) or (AName[1] <> '"') or (AName[Length(AName)] <> '"') then Result := AName else Result := ResolveImapQuotedEscChars(GMRemoveQuotes(AName)); end; function NextQuotedWord(var AChPos: PtrInt; const AValue: TGMString; const ASepChar: TGMChar): TGMString; var startPos: PtrInt; inDblQuotes: Boolean; // inSquareBrackets, inSingleQuotes begin while (AChPos <= Length(AValue)) and (AValue[AChPos] = ASepChar) do Inc(AChPos); startPos := AChPos; inDblQuotes := False; while AChPos <= Length(AValue) do begin case AValue[AChPos] of // '[': inSquareBrackets := True; // ']': inSquareBrackets := False; '"': inDblQuotes := not inDblQuotes; // '''': inSingleQuotes := not inSingleQuotes; else if not inDblQuotes and (AValue[AChPos] = ASepChar) then Break; end; Inc(AChPos); end; if AChPos > startPos then Result := System.Copy(AValue, startPos, AChPos-startPos) else Result := ''; end; procedure ResetMailBoxCounters(var AMailboxCounters: TGMImapMailboxCounters); begin AMailboxCounters.MailBoxName := ''; FillByte(AMailboxCounters.Counter, SizeOf(AMailboxCounters.Counter), 0); AMailboxCounters.SystemFlags := []; end; function GMAssignResponseDataDestinations(const AEnumSink: IUnknown; const AEnumParam: PtrInt; const APStatusResponse: PGMImapMailboxCounters): TGMImapResponseDataDestinations; begin Result.EnumSink := AEnumSink; Result.EnumParam := AEnumParam; Result.PStatusResponse := APStatusResponse; Result.EnumCanceled := False; end; { --------------------------------------- } { ---- Parsing Imap Server Responses ---- } { --------------------------------------- } function ParseImapServerResponseLine(const AResponseLine: TGMString): TGMImapServerResponse; var chPos, oldChPos: PtrInt; token: TGMString; searchName, foundDesc: IUnknown; responseDesc: IGMImapResponseDescObj; begin ClearImapServerResponse(Result); chPos := 1; Result.ResponseTagStr := GMNextWord(chPos, AResponseLine, ' '); Result.ResponseToken := GMNextWord(chPos, AResponseLine, ' '); Result.Number := 0; if GMIsNumber(Result.ResponseToken) then begin Result.Number := GMStrToInt64(Result.ResponseToken); Result.ResponseToken := GMNextWord(chPos, AResponseLine, ' '); end; oldChPos := chPos; token := GMNextWord(chPos, AResponseLine, ' '); if (Length(token) <= 0) or (token[1] <> '[') then begin chPos := oldChPos; Result.OptionalResposeCodeStr := ''; end else begin if token[Length(token)] <> ']' then begin token := GMStringJoin(token, ' ', GMNextWord(chPos, AResponseLine, ']') + ']'); if chPos <= Length(AResponseLine) then Inc(chPos); end; Result.OptionalResposeCodeStr := GMRemoveQuotes(token, '[', ']'); end; Result.MsgText := System.Copy(AResponseLine, chPos, Length(AResponseLine) - chPos + 1); searchName := TGMNameObj.Create(Result.ResponseToken); if not ImapServerResponseDescs.Find(searchName, foundDesc) then begin Result.ResponseKind := irkUnknown; Result.AllowedTags := []; end else begin GMCheckQueryInterface(foundDesc, IGMImapResponseDescObj, responseDesc); Result.ResponseKind := responseDesc.Obj.FResponseKind; Result.AllowedTags := responseDesc.Obj.FAllowedTags; end; end; function ResponseMsgFromServerResponse(const AServerResponse: TGMImapServerResponse): TGMString; begin Result := GMStringJoin(AServerResponse.ResponseToken, ' ', AServerResponse.MsgText); //if Length(AServerResponse.MsgText) > 0 then // Result := AServerResponse.MsgText //else // Result := AServerResponse.ResponseToken; end; procedure ParseStatusCounters(const AValue: TGMString; const AMailboxCounters: PGMImapMailboxCounters); var chPos: PtrInt; nameToken, numToken: TGMString; imck: TGMImapMailboxCounterKind; begin if AMailboxCounters = nil then Exit; chPos := 1; repeat nameToken := GMNextWord(chPos, AValue, ' '); // if (Length(nameToken) > 0) and (nameToken[1] = '(') then System.Delete(nameToken, 1, 1); if Length(nameToken) > 0 then begin for imck := Low(imck) to High(imck) do if GMSameText(nameToken, cGMMailBoxCounterKindToken[imck]) then begin numToken := GMNextWord(chPos, AValue, ' '); // if (Length(numToken) > 0) and (numToken[Length(numToken)] = ')') then System.Delete(numToken, Length(numToken), 1); if GMIsNumber(numToken) then AMailboxCounters.Counter[imck] := GMStrToInt64(numToken); Break; end; end; until chPos > Length(AValue); end; procedure ParseImapStatusResponse(const AResponseLine: TGMString; const AMailboxCounters: PGMImapMailboxCounters); var chPos: PtrInt; pStart, pEnd: PGMChar; begin if AMailboxCounters = nil then Exit; chPos := 1; AMailboxCounters.MailBoxName := DecodeImapUtf7(UnquotedName(NextQuotedWord(chPos, AResponseLine, ' '))); if chPos > Length(AResponseLine) then Exit; pStart := GMStrLScan(@AResponseLine[chPos], '(', Length(AResponseLine) - chPos + 1); if pStart <> nil then begin Inc(pStart); pEnd := GMStrLScan(pStart, ')', PGMChar(AResponseLine) + Length(AResponseLine) - pStart); if pEnd = nil then pEnd := PGMChar(AResponseLine) + Length(AResponseLine); ParseStatusCounters(Copy(AResponseLine, pStart - PGMChar(AResponseLine) + 1, pEnd - pStart), AMailboxCounters); end; end; function ParseImapListResonse(const AResponseLine: TGMString; const AEnumSink: IUnknown; const AEnumParam: PtrInt): Boolean; var chPos, chPos2: PtrInt; attributes, pathDelim, name, token: TGMString; a: TGMImapMailboxAttribute; attr: TGMImapMailboxAttributes; tellEntry: IGMTellImapListEntry; begin if not GMQueryInterface(AEnumSink, IGMTellImapListEntry, tellEntry) then begin Result := False; Exit; end; //if AResultCollection = nil then Exit; chPos := 1; while (chPos <= Length(AResponseLine)) and (AResponseLine[chPos] <> '(') do Inc(chPos); attributes := GMRemoveQuotes(GMNextWord(chPos, AResponseLine, ')'), '(', ')'); Inc(chPos); attr := []; chPos2 := 1; if Length(attributes) > 0 then repeat token := GMNextWord(chPos2, attributes, ' '); if Length(token) > 0 then for a:=Low(a) to High(a) do if GMSameText(token, cGMMailboxAttributeToken[a]) then begin Include(attr, a); Break; end; until chPos2 > Length(attributes); pathDelim := UnquotedName(NextQuotedWord(chPos, AResponseLine, ' ')); name := DecodeImapUtf7(UnquotedName(NextQuotedWord(chPos, AResponseLine, ' '))); Result := tellEntry.TellImapListEntry(name, pathDelim, attr, AEnumParam); //AResultCollection.Add(TGMMailboxListEntry.Create(name, pathDelim, attr, True)); end; function ParseUntaggedFetchResponse(const AResponseLine: TGMString; const AEnumSink: IUnknown; const AEnumParam: PtrInt): Boolean; begin Result := True; end; function ParseImapFlagsResonse(const AResponseLine: TGMString): TGMImapMailBoxSystemFlags; var chPos: PtrInt; token: TGMString; f: TGMImapMailBoxSystemFlag; begin Result := []; chPos := 1; repeat token := GMRemoveQuotes(GMNextWord(chPos, AResponseLine, ' '), '(', ')'); if Length(token) > 0 then for f:=Low(f) to High(f) do if GMSameText(token, cGMImapMailBoxSystemFlagToken[f]) then begin Include(Result, f); Break; end; until chPos > Length(AResponseLine); end; { -------------------------------- } { ---- TGMImapResponseDescObj ---- } { -------------------------------- } constructor TGMImapResponseDescObj.Create(const AResponseKind: TGMImapResponseKind; const ASyntaxToken: TGMString; const AAllowedTags: TGMImapTagKinds); begin inherited Create(ASyntaxToken); FResponseKind := AResponseKind; FAllowedTags := AAllowedTags; end; function TGMImapResponseDescObj.Obj: TGMImapResponseDescObj; begin Result := Self; end; { ------------------------------------------------ } { ---- TGMSASLClientAuthenticationHandlerBase ---- } { ------------------------------------------------ } //constructor TGMSASLClientAuthenticationHandlerBase.Create(const AAuthSchemeName: TGMString; const ARefLifeTime: Boolean); //begin //Create(ARefLifeTime); //FAuthSchemeName := AAuthSchemeName; //end; function TGMSASLClientAuthenticationHandlerBase.GetName: TGMString; begin Result := FAuthSchemeName; end; function TGMSASLClientAuthenticationHandlerBase.IsEnabled(const AClient: IGMClientAuthOperations): Boolean; begin Result := True; end; procedure TGMSASLClientAuthenticationHandlerBase.ExecuteAuthentification(const AClient: IGMClientAuthOperations; const AUsername, APassword: TGMString); begin // Nothing, to be overridden in derived class. end; { --------------------------------------------- } { ---- TGMPlainClientAuthenticationHandler ---- } { --------------------------------------------- } constructor TGMPlainClientAuthenticationHandler.Create(const ARefLifeTime: Boolean); begin inherited Create(ARefLifeTime); FAuthSchemeName := 'PLAIN'; end; procedure TGMPlainClientAuthenticationHandler.ExecuteAuthentification(const AClient: IGMClientAuthOperations; const AUsername, APassword: TGMString); var saslIR: Boolean; cmd, credentials: TGMString; cmdResponse: RCommandResponse; begin if AClient = nil then raise EGMImapException.ObjError(MsgPointerIsNil('AClient argument'), Self, 'ExecuteAuthentification'); saslIR := AClient.ServerHasCapability(cGMImapSASL_IR); //saslIR := False; // <- For Testing AClient.ClearServerCapabilities; cmd := 'AUTHENTICATE PLAIN'; credentials := GMEncodeBase64Str(#0 + Utf8Encode(AUserName) + #0 + Utf8Encode(APassword)); if saslIR then cmd := cmd + ' ' + credentials; cmdResponse := AClient.StartCommand(cmd); if not saslIR then cmdResponse.ResponseMsg := AClient.ContinueCommand(cmdResponse.CommandId, credentials); end; { --------------------------------------------- } { ---- TGMLoginClientAuthenticationHandler ---- } { --------------------------------------------- } constructor TGMLoginClientAuthenticationHandler.Create(const ARefLifeTime: Boolean); begin inherited Create(ARefLifeTime); FAuthSchemeName := 'LOGIN'; end; procedure TGMLoginClientAuthenticationHandler.ExecuteAuthentification(const AClient: IGMClientAuthOperations; const AUsername, APassword: TGMString); begin if AClient = nil then raise EGMImapException.ObjError(MsgPointerIsNil('AClient argument'), Self, 'ExecuteAuthentification'); AClient.ClearServerCapabilities; AClient.StartCommand('LOGIN ' + QuoteImapNameIfNeeded(AUserName) + ' ' + QuoteImapNameIfNeeded(APassword)); end; function TGMLoginClientAuthenticationHandler.IsEnabled(const AClient: IGMClientAuthOperations): Boolean; begin if AClient = nil then Result := True else Result := not AClient.ServerHasCapability('LOGINDISABLED'); //Result := False; // <- test end; { -------------------------------------------- } { ---- TGMNtlmClientAuthenticationHandler ---- } { -------------------------------------------- } {$IFDEF TLS_SUPPORT} constructor TGMNtlmClientAuthenticationHandler.Create(const ARefLifeTime: Boolean); begin inherited Create(ARefLifeTime); FAuthSchemeName := 'NTLM'; end; procedure TGMNtlmClientAuthenticationHandler.ExecuteAuthentification(const AClient: IGMClientAuthOperations; const AUsername, APassword: TGMString); var saslIR: Boolean; cmd: TGMString; cmdResponse: RCommandResponse; ntlmSvrResponse: TNTLMServerResponse; begin if AClient = nil then raise EGMImapException.ObjError(MsgPointerIsNil('AClient argument'), Self, 'ExecuteAuthentification'); saslIR := AClient.ServerHasCapability(cGMImapSASL_IR); //saslIR := False; // <- For Testing AClient.ClearServerCapabilities; cmd := 'AUTHENTICATE NTLM'; //clientMsg := GMEncodeBase64Str(#0 + Utf8Encode(AUserName) + #0 + Utf8Encode(APassword)); if saslIR then cmd := cmd + ' ' + BuildNTLMClientStartMsg; cmdResponse := AClient.StartCommand(cmd); if not saslIR then cmdResponse.ResponseMsg := AClient.ContinueCommand(cmdResponse.CommandId, BuildNTLMClientStartMsg); ntlmSvrResponse := DecodeNTLMServerChallengeMsg(cmdResponse.ResponseMsg); cmdResponse.ResponseMsg := AClient.ContinueCommand(cmdResponse.CommandId, BuildNTLMClientCredentialsMsg(AUsername, APassword, @ntlmSvrResponse)); end; {$ENDIF} { ------------------------ } { ---- TGMImapCommand ---- } { ------------------------ } function TGMImapCommand.QualifiedName: TGMString; begin Result := GMStringJoin(ClassName, '.', StrValue); end; function TGMImapCommand.TagKinds: TGMImapTagKinds; begin Result := [cmdTagged]; end; procedure TGMImapCommand.ProcessCmdResponse(const AImapClient: IGMImapClient; var AServerResponse: TGMImapServerResponse); begin case AServerResponse.ResponseKind of irkOk: if AImapClient <> nil then AImapClient.Obj2.ProcessOkResponse(@AServerResponse); irkNo: raise EGMImapException.ObjError(GMFormat(RStrCommandFailed, [QualifiedName, AServerResponse.MsgText]), Self, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); irkBad: raise EGMImapException.ObjError(GMFormat(RStrBadCommand, [QualifiedName, AServerResponse.MsgText]), Self, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); // irkBye: if AImapClient <> nil then AImapClient.Obj2.FState := istNotConnected; // <- should not occur, BYE is always untagged! // irkPreAuth: if AImapClient <> nil then AImapClient.Obj2.FState := istAuthenticated; // <- should not occur, PREAUTH is always untagged! else raise EGMImapException.ObjError(GMFormat(RStrUnsupportedResponseToken, [QualifiedName, GMStringJoin(AServerResponse.ResponseToken, ', ', AServerResponse.MsgText)]), Self, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); end; if TagKinds * AServerResponse.AllowedTags = [] then raise EGMImapException.ObjError(GMFormat(RstrCommandTagNotAllowed, [QualifiedName, AServerResponse.ResponseTagStr]), Self, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); end; { ------------------------------ } { ---- TGMImapCommandLogout ---- } { ------------------------------ } //procedure TGMImapCommandLogout.ProcessCmdResponse(const AImapClient: IGMImapClient; var AServerResponse: TGMImapServerResponse); //begin //inherited; //if AImapClient <> nil then AImapClient.Obj2.DisconnectTransportLayer; //end; { -------------------------------- } { ---- TGMImapCommandStartTLS ---- } { -------------------------------- } {$IFDEF TLS_SUPPORT} //procedure TGMImapCommandStartTLS.ProcessCmdResponse(const AImapClient: IGMImapClient; var AServerResponse: TGMImapServerResponse); //begin //inherited; //if AImapClient <> nil then AImapClient.Obj2.ExecuteTLSNegotiation; //end; {$ENDIF} { ----------------------------- } { ---- TGMMailboxListEntry ---- } { ----------------------------- } //constructor TGMMailboxListEntry.Create(const AMailboxName, APathDelimiter: TGMString; const AAttributes: TGMImapMailboxAttributes; const ARefLifeTime: Boolean); //begin //Create(AMailboxName, ARefLifeTime); //FPathDelimiter := APathDelimiter; //FAttributes := AAttributes; //end; // //function TGMMailboxListEntry.GetPathDelimiter: TGMString; //begin //Result := FPathDelimiter; //end; // //function TGMMailboxListEntry.GetAttributes: TGMImapMailboxAttributes; //begin //Result := FAttributes; //end; { ----------------------- } { ---- TGMImapClient ---- } { ----------------------- } constructor TGMImapClient.Create(const ARefLifeTime: Boolean); begin inherited Create(ARefLifeTime); FCommandsInProgress := TGMIntfArrayCollection.Create(False, True, GMCompareByString, True); FServerCapabilities := TGMIntfArrayCollection.Create(False, True, GMCompareByName, True); end; //constructor TGMImapClient.Create(const ATransportLayer: ISequentialStream; const ARefLifeTime: Boolean); //begin //Create(ARefLifeTime); //FTransportLayer := ATransportLayer; ////if FTransportLayer <> nil then ReadResponses; // <- read initial server greeting message //end; destructor TGMImapClient.Destroy; begin try Logout; except end; // <- never raise in destructors! inherited; end; function TGMImapClient.Obj2: TGMImapClient; begin Result := Self; end; function TGMImapClient.ProtocolDisplayName: TGMString; begin if IsUsingTLS then Result := 'IMAPS' else Result := 'IMAP'; end; function TGMImapClient.ConnectTransportLayer(AHost, APort: TGMString): IGMSocketIO; var implicitTLS: Boolean; begin if Length(APort) <= 0 then APort := '143'; implicitTLS := APort = '993'; Result := inherited ConnectTransportLayer(AHost, APort); FState := istUnAuthenticated; {$IFDEF TLS_SUPPORT} if implicitTLS then ExecuteTLSNegotiation; {$ENDIF} ReadResponses(''); if ServerCapabilities.IsEmpty then Capability; // <- if not already sent via server untagged OK greeting message end; procedure TGMImapClient.DisconnectTransportLayer; begin // May be entered more than once! inherited; FServerWantsDisconnect := False; FState := istNotConnected; ClearServerCapabilities; end; function TGMImapClient.ReconnectIfDisconnected: Boolean; var wasDisconnected: Boolean; begin wasDisconnected := not IsTransportLayerConnected; Result := inherited ReconnectIfDisconnected; if wasDisconnected and Result and FPrevUsingTLS and not IsUsingTLS then StartTLS; end; function TGMImapClient.BuildNextCmdTag: TGMString; const cZeros = '00000000000000000000'; begin Inc(FNextCmdTagNo); if FNextCmdTagNo > 9999999 then FNextCmdTagNo := 1; Result := GMIntToStr(FNextCmdTagNo); if Length(Result) < 7 then Result := System.Copy(cZeros, 1, 7 - Length(Result)) + Result; end; function TGMImapClient.CheckFindCommandInProgress(const ACommandTag: TGMString; const ARemove: Boolean): IGMImapCommand; var searchName, unkFoundCmd: IUnknown; begin searchName := TGMNameObj.Create(ACommandTag); if not CommandsInProgress.Find(searchName, unkFoundCmd) then raise EGMImapException.ObjError(GMFormat(RStrCmdTagNotFound, [ACommandTag]), Self, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); if ARemove then CommandsInProgress.RemoveByKey(unkFoundCmd); GMCheckQueryInterface(unkFoundCmd, IGMImapCommand, Result); end; function TGMImapClient.ServerHasCapability(const ACapability: TGMString): Boolean; var key: IUnknown; begin key := TGMNameObj.Create(ACapability); Result := GMCollectionContains(ServerCapabilities, key); end; procedure TGMImapClient.CheckServerHasCapability(const ACapability: TGMString; const ACallingName: TGMString); begin if not ServerHasCapability(ACapability) then raise EGMImapException.ObjError(GMFormat(RStrCapabilityNotSupported, [ProtocolDisplayName, ACapability]), Self, ACallingName); end; procedure TGMImapClient.ClearServerCapabilities; begin ServerCapabilities.Clear; SetLength(FServerAuthSchemes, 0); end; function TGMImapClient.UpdateCapabilities(const ACapabilities: TGMString): Boolean; var chPos: PtrInt; token: TGMString; begin if Length(ACapabilities) <= 0 then begin Result := False; Exit; end; // <- Early Fast Exit chPos := 1; token := GMNextWord(chPos, ACapabilities, ' '); if not GMSameText(token, 'CAPABILITY') then Result := False else begin Result := True; ClearServerCapabilities; repeat token := GMNextWord(chPos, ACapabilities, ' '); if length(token) > 0 then ServerCapabilities.Add(TGMNameObj.Create(token)); // // Keep order of auth schemes send by the server in FServerAuthSchemes (ServerCapabilities list will be alpha sorted!) // if GMIsPrefixStr('AUTH=', token) then GMAddStrToArray(Copy(token, 6, Length(token)-5), FServerAuthSchemes); until Length(token) <= 0; end; end; procedure TGMImapClient.ProcessOkResponse(AServerResponse: PGMImapServerResponse); begin if (AServerResponse = nil) or (AServerResponse.ResponseKind <> irkOk) then Exit; if UpdateCapabilities(AServerResponse.OptionalResposeCodeStr) then Exit; // <- Note: EXIT Here! ParseStatusCounters(AServerResponse.OptionalResposeCodeStr, @FSelectedMailbox); end; procedure TGMImapClient.ProcessUntaggedResponse(AServerResponse: PGMImapServerResponse; const AResponseDataDestinations: PGMImapResponseDataDestinations); begin if AServerResponse = nil then Exit; if not (cmdUntagged in AServerResponse.AllowedTags) then raise EGMImapException.ObjError(GMFormat(RstrCommandTagNotAllowed, ['Untagged response', AServerResponse.ResponseTagStr]), Self, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); case AServerResponse.ResponseKind of irkOk: ProcessOkResponse(AServerResponse); irkBye: FServerWantsDisconnect := True; irkPreAuth: FState := istAuthenticated; irkCapability: UpdateCapabilities(AServerResponse.ResponseToken + ' ' + AServerResponse.MsgText); irkStatus: if AResponseDataDestinations <> nil then ParseImapStatusResponse(AServerResponse.MsgText, AResponseDataDestinations.PStatusResponse); irkList: if (AResponseDataDestinations <> nil) and not AResponseDataDestinations.EnumCanceled then AResponseDataDestinations.EnumCanceled := not ParseImapListResonse(AServerResponse.MsgText, AResponseDataDestinations.EnumSink, AResponseDataDestinations.EnumParam); irkExists: FSelectedMailbox.Counter[isvkMessages] := AServerResponse.Number; irkRecent: FSelectedMailbox.Counter[isvkRecent] := AServerResponse.Number; irkFlags: FSelectedMailbox.SystemFlags := ParseImapFlagsResonse(AServerResponse.MsgText); irkFetch: ParseUntaggedFetchResponse(AServerResponse.MsgText, AResponseDataDestinations.EnumSink, AResponseDataDestinations.EnumParam); // if (AResponseDataDestinations <> nil) and (AResponseDataDestinations.PStatusResponse <> nil) then // AResponseDataDestinations.PStatusResponse.SystemFlags := ParseImapFlagsResonse(AServerResponse.MsgText); end; end; function TGMImapClient.ReadResponses(const ACommandTag: TGMString; const AResponseDataDestinations: PGMImapResponseDataDestinations): TGMImapServerResponse; var responseLine: TGMString; ch: TGMChar; command: IGMImapCommand; // response: TGMImapServerResponse; procedure CheckSingleCharTag; begin if Length(Result.ResponseTagStr) <> 1 then raise EGMImapException.ObjError(GMFormat(RStrInvalidCmdTag, [Result.ResponseTagStr]) + ' ' + RStrFromServer, Self, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); end; function ReadImapResponseLine: RawByteString; var leave: Boolean; line: RawByteString; pChNumStart, pChNumEnd: PAnsiChar; moreCharCnt: PtrInt; begin Result := ''; line := ''; moreCharCnt := -1; repeat leave := True; line := ReadResponseLine(FTransportLayer); if (moreCharCnt >= 0) and (Length(line) <> moreCharCnt) then raise EGMImapException.ObjError(GMFormat(RStrInvalidContinuationLineLength, [Length(line), moreCharCnt]), Self, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); //moreCharCnt := -1; pChNumEnd := GMStrCRLScanA(PAnsiChar(line) + Length(line) - 1, ' ', Length(line)); if (pChNumEnd <> nil) and (pChNumEnd^ = '}') then begin pChNumStart := GMStrRLScanA(pChNumEnd, '{', pChNumEnd - PAnsiChar(line)); if pChNumStart = nil then raise EGMImapException.ObjError(RStrMissingContinuationNumStart, Self, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); moreCharCnt := GMStrToInt(Copy(line, pChNumStart - PAnsiChar(line) + 2, pChNumEnd - pChNumStart - 1)); System.Delete(line, pChNumStart - PAnsiChar(line) + 1, PAnsiChar(line) - pChNumStart + Length(line)); leave := False; end; Result := Result + line; until leave; end; begin try repeat responseLine := Utf8Decode(ReadImapResponseLine); // <- interpret any octet > 127 as Utf-8 if Length(responseLine) <= 0 then Break; vfGMTrace(responseLine, ProtocolDisplayName); Result := ParseImapServerResponseLine(responseLine); if Length(Result.ResponseTagStr) <= 0 then Break; ch := Result.ResponseTagStr[1]; case ch of '*': begin // <- uniliteral message from server CheckSingleCharTag; ProcessUntaggedResponse(@Result, AResponseDataDestinations); end; '+': begin // <- current command continuation CheckSingleCharTag; Break; // <- NOTE: Leave the loop here (break)! end; else begin command := CheckFindCommandInProgress(Result.ResponseTagStr, True); if command <> nil then command.ProcessCmdResponse(Self, Result); // Result end; end; until (Length(ACommandTag) <= 0) or GMSameText(Result.ResponseTagStr, ACommandTag); // or (Result.ResponseKind = irkBye); // ((FTransportLayerSocket <> nil) and not FTransportLayerSocket.IsDataAvailable); finally if FServerWantsDisconnect then DisconnectTransportLayer; end; end; function TGMImapClient.ExecCommand(const ACommand: TGMString; const AResponseDataDestinations: PGMImapResponseDataDestinations; ACommandClass: TGMImapCommandClass): TGMImapServerResponse; var cmdTag, cmdLine: AnsiString; cmd: IGMImapCommand; begin //ClearImapServerResponse(Result); if (Length(ACommand) <= 0) then begin ClearImapServerResponse(Result); Exit; end; if not ReconnectIfDisconnected then raise EGMImapException.ObjError(RStrImapNotConnected, Self, 'ExecCommand("'+ACommand+'")'); if FTransportLayer = nil then Exit; if ACommandClass = nil then ACommandClass := TGMImapCommand; Result.CommandTagStr := BuildNextCmdTag; cmdTag := Result.CommandTagStr; cmdLine := cmdTag + ' ' + ACommand + CRLF; if GMSameText('LOGIN', GMFirstWord(ACommand, cWhiteSpace)) then vfGMTrace(cStrCommand + ': ' + cmdTag + ' LOGIN ' + cStrHidden, ProtocolDisplayName) else vfGMTrace(cStrCommand + ': ' + cmdLine, ProtocolDisplayName); cmd := ACommandClass.Create(cmdTag, ACommand, True); CommandsInProgress.Add(cmd); GMSafeIStreamWrite(FTransportLayer, PAnsiChar(cmdLine), Length(cmdLine), ClassName + '.' + ACommand); Result := ReadResponses(cmdTag, AResponseDataDestinations); end; function TGMImapClient.StartCommand(const ACommand: TGMString): RCommandResponse; var cmdResponse: TGMImapServerResponse; begin cmdResponse := ExecCommand(ACommand); Result.CommandId := cmdResponse.CommandTagStr; Result.ResponseMsg := ResponseMsgFromServerResponse(cmdResponse); end; function TGMImapClient.ContinueCommand(const ACommandID: TGMString; AClientData: AnsiString): TGMString; var crlfLen: Integer; begin crlfLen := Length(CRLF); if (Length(AClientData) >= crlfLen) and (Copy(AClientData, Length(AClientData) - crlfLen + 1, crlfLen) <> CRLF) then AClientData := AClientData + CRLF; vfGMTrace(AClientData, ProtocolDisplayName); GMSafeIStreamWrite(FTransportLayer, PAnsiChar(AClientData), Length(AClientData), ClassName + '.ContinueCommand'); Result := ResponseMsgFromServerResponse(ReadResponses(ACommandID)); end; procedure TGMImapClient.NOOP; begin ExecCommand('NOOP'); end; function TGMImapClient.Capability: IGMIntfCollection; begin ExecCommand('CAPABILITY'); Result := ServerCapabilities; end; procedure TGMImapClient.Authenticate(const AUserName, APassword: TGMString; const AAuthHandlerClass: TGMSASLClientAuthenticationHandlerClass); var authHandler: IGMSASLClientAuthenticationHandler; begin if AAuthHandlerClass = nil then authHandler := ChooseAuthenticationHandler(FServerAuthSchemes) else begin authHandler := AAuthHandlerClass.Create(True); if not authHandler.IsEnabled(Self) then raise EGMImapException.ObjError(GMFormat(RStrAuthschemeNotAllowed, [authHandler.Name]), Self, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); end; if authHandler = nil then raise EGMImapException.ObjError(RStrNoCommonAuthScheme, Self, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); authHandler.ExecuteAuthentification(Self, AUserName, APassword); FState := istAuthenticated; if ServerCapabilities.IsEmpty then Capability; // <- If Server has nor sent untagged CAPABILITY response to authentication command end; //procedure TGMImapClient.Login(const AUserName, APassword: TGMString); //begin ////if FState >= istAuthenticated then Exit; //if ServerHasCapability('LOGINDISABLED') then raise EGMImapException.ObjError(RStrLoginDisabled, Self, 'Login'); //if not ServerHasCapability('AUTH=LOGIN') then raise EGMImapException.ObjError(RStrLoginCommandNotSupported, Self, 'Login'); //ClearServerCapabilities; //ExecCommand('LOGIN ' + QuoteImapNameIfNeeded(AUserName) + ' ' + QuoteImapNameIfNeeded(APassword)); //FState := istAuthenticated; //if ServerCapabilities.IsEmpty then Capability; // <- If Server has nor sent untagged CAPABILITY response to LOGIN command //end; procedure TGMImapClient.Create_(const AMailboxName: TGMString); begin ExecCommand('CREATE ' + EncodeMailboxName(AMailboxName)); end; procedure TGMImapClient.Delete(const AMailboxName: TGMString); begin ExecCommand('DELETE ' + EncodeMailboxName(AMailboxName)); end; procedure TGMImapClient.Rename(const AExistingMailboxName, ANewMailboxName: TGMString); begin ExecCommand('RENAME ' + EncodeMailboxName(AExistingMailboxName) + ' ' + EncodeMailboxName(ANewMailboxName)); end; procedure TGMImapClient.Examine(const AMailboxName: TGMString); begin ExecCommand('EXAMINE ' + EncodeMailboxName(AMailboxName)); FSelectedMailbox.MailBoxName := AMailboxName; FState := istSelected; end; procedure TGMImapClient.Select(const AMailboxName: TGMString); begin ExecCommand('SELECT ' + EncodeMailboxName(AMailboxName)); FSelectedMailbox.MailBoxName := AMailboxName; FState := istSelected; end; procedure TGMImapClient.List(const AMailboxPath, AMailboxName: TGMString; const AEnumSink: IUnknown; const AEnumParam: PtrInt); var dataDests: TGMImapResponseDataDestinations; begin dataDests := GMAssignResponseDataDestinations(AEnumSink, AEnumParam); ExecCommand('LIST ' + EncodeMailboxName(AMailboxPath) + ' ' + EncodeMailboxName(AMailboxName), @dataDests); end; function TGMImapClient.Status(const AMailboxName: TGMString; const AMailBoxCounterKinds: TGMImapMailboxCounterKinds): TGMImapMailboxCounters; var argStr: TGMString; imck: TGMImapMailboxCounterKind; dataDests: TGMImapResponseDataDestinations; begin ResetMailBoxCounters(Result); Result.MailBoxName := AMailboxName; argStr := ''; for imck := Low(imck) to High(imck) do if imck in AMailBoxCounterKinds then argStr := GMStringJoin(argStr, ' ', cGMMailBoxCounterKindToken[imck]); dataDests := GMAssignResponseDataDestinations(nil, 0, @Result); ExecCommand('STATUS ' + EncodeMailboxName(AMailboxName) + ' (' + argStr + ')', @dataDests); end; procedure TGMImapClient.Fetch(const ADataItems: TGMString; const AEnumSink: IInterface; const AEnumParam: PtrInt); var dataDests: TGMImapResponseDataDestinations; begin dataDests := GMAssignResponseDataDestinations(AEnumSink, AEnumParam); ExecCommand('FETCH ' + ADataItems, @dataDests); end; procedure TGMImapClient.Close; begin ExecCommand('CLOSE'); FState := istAuthenticated; end; procedure TGMImapClient.Expunge; begin ExecCommand('EXPUNGE'); end; procedure TGMImapClient.Logout; begin if FState > istNotConnected then try ExecCommand('LOGOUT'); // , TGMImapCommandLogout finally DisconnectTransportLayer; ResetMailBoxCounters(FSelectedMailbox); end; end; {$IFDEF TLS_SUPPORT} procedure TGMImapClient.StartTLS; const cStrCmdStartTLS = 'STARTTLS'; begin CheckServerHasCapability(cStrCmdStartTLS); ClearServerCapabilities; ExecCommand(cStrCmdStartTLS); // , TGMImapCommandStartTLS if not IsTransportLayerConnected then Exit; ExecuteTLSNegotiation; if ServerCapabilities.IsEmpty then Capability; // <- RFC 3501 recommends to ask for ServerCapabilities again after TLS negotiation! // If Server has nor sent untagged CAPABILITY response to STARTTLS command. end; {$ENDIF} initialization vCSCreateServerResponseDescs := TGMCriticalSection.Create; vCSCreateSASLAuthHandlers := TGMCriticalSection.Create; end.