{ +-------------------------------------------------------------+ } { | | } { | GM-Software | } { | =========== | } { | | } { | Project: All Projects | } { | | } { | Description: Implementation of the FTP protocol. | } { | | } { | | } { | Copyright (C) - 2012 - Gerrit Moeller. | } { | | } { | Source code distributed under MIT license. | } { | | } { | See: https://www.gm-software.de | } { | | } { +-------------------------------------------------------------+ } {$INCLUDE GMCompilerSettings.inc} unit GMFtp; interface uses {$IFDEF JEDIAPI}{$ELSE}Windows,{$ENDIF} GMActiveX, GMStrDef, GMCollections, GMIntf, GMCommon, GMSockets, GMSocketAPI, GMINetBase {$IFDEF TLS_SUPPORT},GMOpenSSL{$ENDIF}; const cDfltFtpPort = '21'; cFtpProtocol = 'ftp'; {$IFDEF TLS_SUPPORT} cFtpsProtocol = 'ftps'; {$ENDIF} cFtpNotLoggedInCode = '530'; type PGMFtpLoginData = ^TGMFtpLoginData; TGMFtpLoginData = record UserName: PGMChar; Password: PGMChar; Account: PGMChar; end; IGMGetFtpLoginData = interface(IUnknown) ['{27622CAC-876C-460F-B94F-2BF8A4D48207}'] function GetFtpLoginData(LoginData: PGMFtpLoginData): HResult; stdcall; end; RGMFtpConnectStateData = record Protocol, Host, Port, User, Pwd, Account: TGMString; end; TGMFtpClient = class; IGMFtpClient = interface(IUnknown) ['{D87BC86F-1718-4B6D-8978-EE59A8355223}'] function Obj: TGMFtpClient; end; TFtpListCmd = (flcLIST, flcMLSD); TGMFtpClient = class(TGMINetProtocolBase, IGMFtpClient) protected FAskCanceled: IUnknown; FAskLoginData: IGMGetFtpLoginData; FUseIP6Address: Boolean; // FPassiveMode: Boolean; FLocalDataConnectionPort: TGMString; FCmdConnection: IGMSocket; FDataSocket: IGMSocket; FDataConnection: IGMSocketIO; FCmdStream: ISequentialStream; FExecCmdStrRecurseLevel: LongInt; // FRootDir: AnsiString; FCurrentConnState: RGMFtpConnectStateData; FKeepDataConnection: Boolean; {$IFDEF TLS_SUPPORT} FCmdTlsNegotiated: Boolean; FUseSecureDataConnections: Boolean; FCertMessageEmitter: IUnknown; {$ENDIF} procedure AcceptDataConnection; procedure PrepareDataConnection; function ExceptClassForCode(const ACode: AnsiString): TGMINetExceptionClass; override; function PreparePath(const APath: TGMString): RawByteString; function ExecCommandWithRetry(const ACommand, ASuccessCodes: RawByteString; const AShowTrace: Boolean = True): TCmdResponse; function ExecDataCommandStr(ACommand, ASuccessCodes: RawByteString): TCmdResponse; {$IFDEF TLS_SUPPORT} function CertMessageEmitter: IUnknown; procedure ExecuteTLSNegotiation; {$ENDIF} public constructor Create(const ARefLifeTime: Boolean = True); overload; override; constructor Create(//const APassiveMode: Boolean; const ALocalDataConnectionPort: TGMString; // <- empty string => passive mode const AAskCanceled, AAskLoginData: IUnknown; const ARefLifeTime: Boolean = True); reintroduce; overload; destructor Destroy; override; function Obj: TGMFtpClient; function ProtocolDisplayName: TGMString; override; procedure Connect(AProtocol, AHost: TGMString; APort: TGMString = cDfltFtpPort); procedure Login(const AUsername, APassword: TGMString; const AAccount: TGMString = ''); procedure Logout; procedure Disconnect(const ALogout: Boolean = True); function GetCurrentDir: AnsiString; procedure Quit; function PassiveMode: Boolean; {$IFDEF TLS_SUPPORT} function UseTls: Boolean; // procedure ShowCertificateVerifyStatus(const AHost: TGMString; const ACertCode: Int64); {$ENDIF} procedure List(const AListCmd: TFtpListCmd; const AEnumSink: IUnknown; const APath: AnsiString = ''; const AEnumParam: Pointer = nil; const AEnumItemKind: LongInt = 0); function GetUploadStream(const AFilePath: TGMString): IStream; function GetDownloadStream(const AFilePath: TGMString): IStream; procedure CreateDirectory(const ADirPath: TGMString); procedure DeleteDirectory(const ADirPath: TGMString); procedure DeleteFile(const AFilePath: TGMString); procedure ChangeDirectory(const ADirPath: TGMString); procedure ChangeDirUp; procedure SetLastModTime(const AFileOrFolderPath: TGMString; const ALstModUTC: TDateTime); procedure RenameEntry(const AExistingNamePath, ANewNamePath: TGMString); property CmdStream: ISequentialStream read FCmdStream; end; TFtpDataStream = class(TGMSocketStream) protected FGMFtpClient: IGMFtpClient; FSuccessCodes: TGMString; //FCommand: TGMString; public constructor Create(const AGMFtpClient: IGMFtpClient; const ASuccessCodes: TGMString = '2'; const AMode: LongWord = STGM_READ or STGM_WRITE; const AName: UnicodeString = ''; const ARefLifeTime: Boolean = True); reintroduce; destructor Destroy; override; end; TFptRecursiveDeleter = class(TGMRefCountedObj, IGMTellEnumIntf) public constructor DeleteAllEntries(const AGMFtpClient: IGMFtpClient; const APath: TGMString; const AListCmd: TFtpListCmd; const ARefLifeTime: Boolean = True); procedure TellEnumIntf(const ASender: IUnknown; const AItemKind: LongInt; const AValue: IUnknown; const AParameter: Pointer); stdcall; end; EGMFtpException = class(EGMINetException); EGMFtpNotLoggedIn = class(EGMFtpException); function FtpTimeValToDateTime(const AFtpDateTime: TGMString): TDateTime; function FtpTimeValFromDateTime(const ADateTime: TDateTime): TGMString; function GMInitFtpConnectStateData(const AProtocol, AHost, APort, AUser, APwd, AAccount: TGMString): RGMFtpConnectStateData; //procedure FptDeleteRecursive(const AGMFtpClient: IGMFtpClient; const APath: TGMString; const AListCmd: TFtpListCmd; const ARefLifeTime: Boolean = True); const cFtpDirSeparator = '/'; cFtpListCmd: array [TFtpListCmd] of AnsiString = ('LIST', 'MLSD'); cFtpFactName = 'Name'; cFtpFactType = 'Type'; cFtpFactSize = 'Size'; cFtpFactModify = 'Modify'; cFtpFactUnique = 'Unique'; cFtpTypeFile = 'File'; cFtpTypeFolder = 'Dir'; implementation uses {$IFDEF JEDIAPI}{$IFNDEF FPC}jwaWinBase, jwaWinType,{$ENDIF}{$ENDIF} SysUtils, TypInfo; resourcestring RStrTheFtpCtrlConnection = 'The FTP control connection'; RStrPasswordRequired = 'Password required for FTP login'; RStrAccountRequired = 'Account required for FTP login'; RStrInvalidPASVResponse = 'Invalid response to FTP PASV command: %s'; RStrListKindNotImplementedFmt = 'List kind "%s" not implemented'; RStrInvalidFactFmt = 'Invalid FTP MLSD fact: %s'; RStrTheDataConnection = 'The FTP data connection'; RStrTheFtpSession = 'The FTP session'; //RStrTheDataStream = 'The FTP data stream'; RStrReceivingDataTransferResult = 'Receiving data transfer Result'; { ------------------------- } { ---- Global Routines ---- } { ------------------------- } function ParsePASVResponse(const AResponse: TGMString; const ACaller: TObject): IGMSocketAddress; var chPos, i: PtrInt; port: u_short; ipAddress: TGMIPAddrUnion; function NextNumber(var AChPos: PtrInt; const AValue: TGMString): LongInt; begin Result := GMStrToInt(GMMakeDezInt(GMNextWord(AChPos, AValue, ','), -1)); if not GMIsInRange(Result, 0, 255) then raise EGMFtpException.ObjError(GMFormat(RStrInvalidPASVResponse, [AValue]), ACaller, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); if AChPos > Length(AValue) then raise EGMFtpException.ObjError(GMFormat(RStrInvalidPASVResponse, [AValue]), ACaller, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); end; function LastNumber(const AChPos: LongInt; const AValue: TGMString): LongInt; begin Result := GMStrToInt(GMMakeDezInt(Copy(AValue, AChPos, Length(AValue)-AChPos+1), -1)); if not GMIsInRange(Result, 0, 255) then raise EGMFtpException.ObjError(GMFormat(RStrInvalidPASVResponse, [AValue]), ACaller, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); end; begin FillByte(ipAddress, SizeOf(ipAddress), 0); ipAddress.AddressFamily := AF_INET; chPos:=1; while (chPos <= Length(AResponse)) and not GMIsDigit(AResponse[chPos]) do Inc(chPos); for i:=Low(ipAddress.IP4Addr.s_b_Arr.s_bArr) to High(ipAddress.IP4Addr.s_b_Arr.s_bArr) do ipAddress.IP4Addr.s_b_Arr.s_bArr[i] := NextNumber(chPos, AResponse); port := NextNumber(chPos, AResponse) shl 8; port := port or LastNumber(chPos, AResponse); ipAddress.IP4Port := GMSocketAPI.htons(port); Result := TGMIPSocketAddress.CreateFromIPAddress(ipAddress); end; procedure ParseMLSDLine(const ALine: RawByteString; const AAttributes: IGMIntfCollection; const ACaller: TObject); var pstart, pend: PAnsiChar; procedure AddFact(const AFact: RawByteString); var sep: PAnsiChar; begin sep := GMStrLScanA(PAnsiChar(AFact), '=', Length(AFact)); if sep = nil then raise EGMFtpException.ObjError(GMFormat(RStrInvalidFactFmt, [AFact]), ACaller, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); AAttributes.Add(TGMNameAndStrValueObj.Create(Copy(AFact, 1, sep - PAnsiChar(AFact)), Copy(AFact, sep - PAnsiChar(AFact) + 2, Length(AFact) - (sep - PAnsiChar(AFact)) - 1))); end; begin if (Length(ALine) <= 0) or (AAttributes = nil) then Exit; pstart := PAnsiChar(ALine); repeat pend := GMStrLScanA(pstart, ';', Length(ALine) - (pstart - PAnsiChar(ALine))); if pend <> nil then begin AddFact(Copy(ALine, pstart - PAnsiChar(ALine) + 1, pend - pstart)); Inc(pend); pstart := pend; end; until pend = nil; AAttributes.Add(TGMNameAndStrValueObj.Create(cFtpFactName, Utf8Decode(Copy(ALine, pstart - PAnsiChar(ALine) + 2, Length(ALine) - (pstart - PAnsiChar(ALine)) - 1)))); end; function FtpTimeValToDateTime(const AFtpDateTime: TGMString): TDateTime; var tm: TSystemTime; secFrac: TGMString; begin FillByte(tm, SizeOf(tm), 0); tm.wYear := GMStrToInt(Copy(AFtpDateTime, 1, 4)); tm.wMonth := GMStrToInt(Copy(AFtpDateTime, 5, 2)); tm.wDay := GMStrToInt(Copy(AFtpDateTime, 7, 2)); tm.wHour := GMStrToInt(Copy(AFtpDateTime, 9, 2)); tm.wMinute := GMStrToInt(Copy(AFtpDateTime, 11, 2)); tm.wSecond := GMStrToInt(Copy(AFtpDateTime, 13, 2)); secFrac := Copy(AFtpDateTime, 16, 3); if Length(secFrac) > 0 then begin while Length(secFrac) < 3 do secFrac := secFrac + '0'; tm.wMilliseconds := GMStrToInt(secFrac); end; Result := SystemTimeToDateTime(tm); end; function FtpTimeValFromDateTime(const ADateTime: TDateTime): TGMString; var tm: TSystemTime; begin DateTimeToSystemTime(ADateTime, tm); Result := GMFormat('%.4d%.2d%.2d%.2d%.2d%.2d', [tm.wYear, tm.wMonth, tm.wDay, tm.wHour, tm.wMinute, tm.wSecond]); if tm.wMilliseconds <> 0 then Result := Result + '.' + GMFormat('%.3d', [tm.wMilliseconds]); end; function GMInitFtpConnectStateData(const AProtocol, AHost, APort, AUser, APwd, AAccount: TGMString): RGMFtpConnectStateData; begin Result.Protocol := AProtocol; Result.Host := AHost; Result.Port := APort; Result.User := AUser; Result.Pwd := APwd; Result.Account := AAccount; end; { ------------------------------ } { ---- TFptRecursiveDeleter ---- } { ------------------------------ } constructor TFptRecursiveDeleter.DeleteAllEntries(const AGMFtpClient: IGMFtpClient; const APath: TGMString; const AListCmd: TFtpListCmd; const ARefLifeTime: Boolean); procedure LocalDeleteAllEntries(const APath: TGMString); var entries, attributes: IGMIntfCollection; it: IGMIterator; unkEntry: IUnknown; searchName: RGMNameRec; unkAttr: IUnknown; getStrValue: IGMGetStringValue; name: TGMString; begin entries := TGMIntfArrayCollection.Create(True, False, nil, True); AGMFtpClient.Obj.List(AListCmd, Self, APath, Pointer(entries)); it := entries.CreateIterator; while it.NextEntry(unkEntry) do if GMQueryInterface(unkEntry, IGMIntfCollection, attributes) then begin searchName.Name := cFtpFactName; if attributes.Find(searchName, unkAttr) and GMQueryInterface(unkAttr, IGMGetStringValue, getStrValue) then name := getStrValue.StringValue else name := ''; if Length(name) > 0 then begin searchName.Name := cFtpFactType; if attributes.Find(searchName, unkAttr) and GMQueryInterface(unkAttr, IGMGetStringValue, getStrValue) then if GMSameText(getStrValue.StringValue, cFtpTypeFile) then AGMFtpClient.Obj.DeleteFile(GMAppendPath(APath, name, cFtpDirSeparator)) else if GMSameText(getStrValue.StringValue, cFtpTypeFolder) then begin LocalDeleteAllEntries(GMAppendPath(APath, name, cFtpDirSeparator)); AGMFtpClient.Obj.DeleteDirectory(GMAppendPath(APath, name, cFtpDirSeparator)); end; end; end; end; begin inherited Create(ARefLifeTime); if (Length(APath) > 0) and (AGMFtpClient <> nil) then LocalDeleteAllEntries(APath); end; procedure TFptRecursiveDeleter.TellEnumIntf(const ASender: IUnknown; const AItemKind: LongInt; const AValue: IUnknown; const AParameter: Pointer); var collection, attributes: IGMIntfCollection; begin if not GMQueryInterface(IUnknown(AParameter), IGMIntfCollection, collection) or not GMQueryInterface(AValue, IGMIntfCollection, attributes) then Exit; collection.Add(attributes); end; //procedure TFptRecursiveDeleter.TellEnumIntf(const ASender: IUnknown; const AItemKind: LongInt; const AValue, AParameter: IUnknown); //var collection, attributes, attributesCopy: IGMIntfCollection; it: IGMIterator; unkEntry: IUnknown; //begin //if not GMQueryInterface(AParameter, IGMIntfCollection, collection) or // not GMQueryInterface(AValue, IGMIntfCollection, attributes) then Exit; // //attributesCopy := TGMIntfArrayCollection.Create(False, True, GMCompareByName, True); //it := attributes.CreateIterator; //while it.NextEntry(unkEntry) do attributesCopy.Add(unkEntry); //collection.Add(attributesCopy); //end; { ------------------------ } { ---- TFtpDataStream ---- } { ------------------------ } constructor TFtpDataStream.Create(const AGMFtpClient: IGMFtpClient; const ASuccessCodes: TGMString; const AMode: LongWord; const AName: UnicodeString; const ARefLifeTime: Boolean); //var socketIO: IGMSocketIO; begin GMCheckPointerAssigned(Pointer(AGMFtpClient), RStrTheFtpSession, Self); //GMQueryInterface(AGMFtpClient.Obj.FDataConnection, IGMSocketIO, socketIO); inherited Create(AGMFtpClient.Obj.FDataConnection, AMode, AName, ARefLifeTime); FGMFtpClient := AGMFtpClient; FSuccessCodes := ASuccessCodes; //FCommand := ACommand; end; destructor TFtpDataStream.Destroy; //var ftp: IGMFtpClient; successCodes: TGMString; begin inherited Destroy; if FGMFtpClient <> nil then begin // // Release all refernces to the socket to close it which informs the server of the end of the data transfer // if not FGMFtpClient.Obj.FKeepDataConnection then begin FGMFtpClient.Obj.FDataConnection := nil; FGMFtpClient.Obj.FDataSocket := nil; end; FSocket := nil; // successCodes := FSuccessCodes; // ftp := FGMFtpClient; // FGMFtpClient := nil; FSuccessCodes := ''; try // Never raise in destructors! // FCommand FGMFtpClient.Obj.CheckCmdResponse(RStrReceivingDataTransferResult, FGMFtpClient.Obj.ReceiveCmdResponse(FGMFtpClient.Obj.CmdStream), FSuccessCodes, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); except vfGMHrExceptionHandler(ExceptObject, cDfltPrntWnd); end; end; end; { ---------------------- } { ---- TGMFtpClient ---- } { ---------------------- } constructor TGMFtpClient.Create(const ARefLifeTime: Boolean); begin inherited Create(ARefLifeTime); //FPassiveMode := True; {$IFDEF TLS_SUPPORT} FUseSecureDataConnections := True; {$ENDIF} end; // const APassiveMode: Boolean constructor TGMFtpClient.Create(const ALocalDataConnectionPort: TGMString; const AAskCanceled, AAskLoginData: IUnknown; const ARefLifeTime: Boolean); begin Create(ARefLifeTime); FAskCanceled := AAskCanceled; //FPassiveMode := APassiveMode; FLocalDataConnectionPort := GMStrip(ALocalDataConnectionPort); GMQueryInterface(AAskLoginData, IGMGetFtpLoginData, FAskLoginData); end; destructor TGMFtpClient.Destroy; begin try Quit; except end; // <- never raise in destructors! inherited Destroy; end; function TGMFtpClient.Obj: TGMFtpClient; begin Result := Self; end; function TGMFtpClient.ProtocolDisplayName: TGMString; begin {$IFDEF TLS_SUPPORT} if FCmdTlsNegotiated then Result := GMUpperCase(cFtpsProtocol) else Result := GMUpperCase(cFtpProtocol); {$ELSE} Result := UpperCase(FCurrentConnState.Protocol); {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF TLS_SUPPORT} function TGMFtpClient.UseTls: Boolean; begin Result := GMSameText(FCurrentConnState.Protocol, cFtpsProtocol); end; {$ENDIF} function TGMFtpClient.PassiveMode: Boolean; begin Result := Length(FLocalDataConnectionPort) <= 0; end; function TGMFtpClient.ExceptClassForCode(const ACode: AnsiString): TGMINetExceptionClass; begin if ACode = cFtpNotLoggedInCode then Result := EGMFtpNotLoggedIn else Result := EGMFtpException; end; function TGMFtpClient.PreparePath(const APath: TGMString): RawByteString; begin Result := Utf8Encode(APath); end; {$IFDEF TLS_SUPPORT} function TGMFtpClient.CertMessageEmitter: IUnknown; begin if FCertMessageEmitter = nil then FCertMessageEmitter := TGMCertMessageEmitter.Create(FAskCanceled); Result := FCertMessageEmitter; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF TLS_SUPPORT} procedure TGMFtpClient.ExecuteTLSNegotiation; var tlsSocket: IGMSocketIO; begin tlsSocket := GMAddTlsLayer(FCmdConnection, FCurrentConnState.Host, CertMessageEmitter); FCmdStream := TGMSocketStream.Create(tlsSocket); FCmdTlsNegotiated := True; end; {$ENDIF} procedure TGMFtpClient.Connect(AProtocol, AHost, APort: TGMString); var implicitTLS: Boolean; begin if (Length(AProtocol) <= 0) then AProtocol := cFtpProtocol; if (Length(APort) <= 0) then APort := cDfltFtpPort; if not GMSameText(AProtocol, cFtpProtocol) {$IFDEF TLS_SUPPORT}and not GMSameText(AProtocol, cFtpsProtocol){$ENDIF} then raise EGMFtpException.ObjError(GMFormat(RStrUnsupportedINetProtocol, [AProtocol]), Self, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); if GMSameText(AProtocol, FCurrentConnState.Protocol) and GMSameText(AHost, FCurrentConnState.Host) and GMSameText(APort, FCurrentConnState.Port) then Exit; implicitTLS := APort = '990'; Disconnect; FCmdConnection := TGMTcpSocket.Create(vDfltInetAddrFamily, FAskCanceled); FCmdConnection.Connect(AHost, APort); FCurrentConnState.Protocol := AProtocol; FCurrentConnState.Host := AHost; FCurrentConnState.Port := APort; FCmdStream := TGMSocketStream.Create(FCmdConnection); {$IFDEF TLS_SUPPORT} if implicitTLS then ExecuteTLSNegotiation; {$ENDIF} //CheckCmdResponse(ReceiveCmdResponse(CmdStream), '12', {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); ExecCommandWithRetry('', '12'); // <- retrieve greeting message from server end; procedure TGMFtpClient.Disconnect(const ALogout: Boolean); begin if ALogout then Quit; FDataConnection := nil; FDataSocket := nil; FCmdStream := nil; FCmdConnection := nil; {$IFDEF TLS_SUPPORT} FCmdTlsNegotiated := False; {$ENDIF} FCurrentConnState := GMInitFtpConnectStateData('', '', '', '', '', ''); end; function TGMFtpClient.GetCurrentDir: AnsiString; var cmDRes: TCmdResponse; line: AnsiString; pStart, pEnd: PAnsiChar; // pos1, pos2: LongInt; begin Result := ''; cmDRes := ExecCommandWithRetry('PWD', '2'); line := cmDRes.Text[Low(cmDRes.Text)]; pStart := GMStrLScanA(PAnsiChar(line), '"', Length(line)); if pStart <> nil then begin Inc(pStart); pEnd := GMStrLScanA(pStart, '"', Length(line) - (pStart - PAnsiChar(line))); if pEnd <> nil then Result := Copy(line, pStart - PAnsiChar(line)+1, pEnd - pstart); end; //pos1 := 1; //while (pos1 <= Length(line)) and (line[pos1] <> '"') do Inc(pos1); //if pos1 >= Length(line) then Exit; //Inc(pos1); //pos2 := pos1; //while (pos2 <= Length(line)) and (line[pos2] <> '"') do Inc(pos2); //Result := Copy(line, pos1, pos2 - pos1); end; procedure TGMFtpClient.Login(const AUsername, APassword, AAccount: TGMString); var cmDRes: TCmdResponse; // {$IFDEF TLS_SUPPORT}tlsSocket: IGMSocketIO;{$ENDIF} begin if GMSameText(AUsername, FCurrentConnState.User) and GMSameText(APassword, FCurrentConnState.Pwd) and GMSameText(AAccount, FCurrentConnState.Account) then Exit; {$IFDEF TLS_SUPPORT} if UseTls and not FCmdTlsNegotiated then begin ExecCommandWithRetry('AUTH TLS', '2'); ExecuteTLSNegotiation; end; {$ENDIF} if Length(AUsername) > 0 then begin vfGMTrace(cStrCommand + ': ' + 'USER ' + cStrHidden, ProtocolDisplayName); cmDRes := ExecCommandWithRetry('USER ' + Utf8Encode(AUsername), '23', False); if cmDRes.Code[1] = '3' then // or (Length(APassword) > 0) begin if Length(APassword) <= 0 then raise EGMFtpException.ObjError(RStrPasswordRequired, Self, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); vfGMTrace(cStrCommand + ': ' + 'PASS ' + cStrHidden, ProtocolDisplayName); cmDRes := ExecCommandWithRetry('PASS ' + Utf8Encode(APassword), '23', False); if cmDRes.Code[1] = '3' then begin if Length(AAccount) <= 0 then raise EGMFtpException.ObjError(RStrAccountRequired, Self, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); ExecCommandWithRetry('ACCT ' + AAccount, '2'); end; end; FCurrentConnState.User := AUsername; FCurrentConnState.Pwd := APassword; FCurrentConnState.Account := AAccount; end; {$IFDEF TLS_SUPPORT} if UseTls and FUseSecureDataConnections then begin ExecCommandWithRetry('PBSZ 0', '2'); ExecCommandWithRetry('PROT P', '2'); end; {$ENDIF} // Microsoft: ODS: [FTP] Response: 211 Extended features supported:<NL> LANG EN*<NL> UTF8<NL> AUTH TLS;TLS-C;SSL;TLS-P;<NL> PBSZ<NL> PROT C;P;<NL> CCC<NL> HOST<NL> SIZE<NL> MDTM<NL> REST STREAM<NL>END // Filezilla ODS: [FTP] Response: 211 Features:<NL> MDTM<NL> REST STREAM<NL> SIZE<NL> MLST type*;size*;modify*;<NL> MLSD<NL> UTF8<NL> CLNT<NL> MFMT<NL>End //ExecCommandWithRetry('MODE S', '2'); //ExecCommandWithRetry('STRU F', '2'); ExecCommandWithRetry('TYPE I', '2'); //ExecCommandWithRetry('SYST', '2'); //cmDRes := ExecCommandWithRetry('FEAT', '2'); //FRootDir := GetCurrentDir; //ExecCommandWithRetry('CWD '+ FRootDir, '2'); end; procedure TGMFtpClient.Logout; begin if Length(FCurrentConnState.User) > 0 then begin ExecCommandStr(CmdStream, 'REIN', '12'); FCurrentConnState := GMInitFtpConnectStateData(FCurrentConnState.Protocol, FCurrentConnState.Host, FCurrentConnState.Port, '', '', ''); end; end; procedure TGMFtpClient.Quit; begin if Length(FCurrentConnState.User) > 0 then begin ExecCommandStr(CmdStream, 'QUIT', '2'); FCurrentConnState := GMInitFtpConnectStateData(FCurrentConnState.Protocol, FCurrentConnState.Host, FCurrentConnState.Port, '', '', ''); end; end; function TGMFtpClient.ExecCommandWithRetry(const ACommand, ASuccessCodes: RawByteString; const AShowTrace: Boolean): TCmdResponse; var oldConnectData: RGMFtpConnectStateData; loginData: TGMFtpLoginData; // cmdWithTerm: AnsiString; begin GMCheckPointerAssigned(Pointer(CmdStream), RStrTheFtpCtrlConnection, self, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); Inc(FExecCmdStrRecurseLevel); try repeat try try // if Length(ACommand) > 0 then // begin // if AShowTrace then GMTrace(cStrCommand + ': ' + ACommand, tpFtp); // GMSafeIStreamWrite(CmdStream, PChar(cmdWithTerm), Length(cmdWithTerm), {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); // end; // // Result := CheckCmdResponse(ReceiveCmdResponse(CmdStream), ASuccessCodes, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); // // if (Length(ASuccessCodes) > 1) and (Result.Code[1] = '1') then // begin // ASuccessCodes := GMDeleteChars(ASuccessCodes, '1'); // if Length(ASuccessCodes) <= 0 then ASuccessCodes := '2'; // Result := CheckCmdResponse(ReceiveCmdResponse(CmdStream), ASuccessCodes, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); // end; Result := ExecCommandStr(CmdStream, ACommand, ASuccessCodes, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}, AShowTrace); Break; // <- Always leave loop, will be skipped by exceptions! except if (Length(ACommand) <= 0) or (FAskLoginData = nil) or (FExecCmdStrRecurseLevel > 1) or (Length(FCurrentConnState.Host) <= 0) or not GMIsClassByName(ExceptObject, EGMFtpNotLoggedIn) then raise else begin FillByte(loginData, SizeOf(loginData), 0); GMHrCheckObj(FAskLoginData.GetFtpLoginData(@loginData), Self, 'GetFtpLoginData'); Login(loginData.UserName, loginData.Password, loginData.Account); end; end; except if (Length(ACommand) <= 0) or (FExecCmdStrRecurseLevel > 1) or (Length(FCurrentConnState.Host) <= 0) or not GMIsSocketReConnectErrorCode(GMGetObjHRCode(exceptObject)) then raise else begin oldConnectData := FCurrentConnState; Disconnect(False); Connect(oldConnectData.Protocol, oldConnectData.Host, oldConnectData.Port); if Length(oldConnectData.User) > 0 then Login(oldConnectData.User, oldConnectData.Pwd, oldConnectData.Account); end; end; until False; finally Dec(FExecCmdStrRecurseLevel); end; end; procedure TGMFtpClient.PrepareDataConnection; var cmdRes: TCmdResponse; dataConnectionAddress: IGMSocketAddress; ftpAddr: TGMString; portInt: u_short; bindHost: TGMString; begin if PassiveMode then begin cmDRes := ExecCommandWithRetry('PASV', '2'); dataConnectionAddress := ParsePASVResponse(cmDRes.Text[High(cmDRes.Text)], Self); FDataSocket := TGMTcpSocket.Create(vDfltInetAddrFamily, FAskCanceled); FDataSocket.Connect2(dataConnectionAddress); end else begin if GMSameText(FCurrentConnState.Host, cLocalHost) then bindHost := cLocalHost else bindHost := ''; FDataSocket := TGMTcpSocket.Create(vDfltInetAddrFamily, FAskCanceled); if GMSameText(FLocalDataConnectionPort, 'Any') then FDataSocket.Bind('0', bindHost) // <- port 0 => let system choose an unused port else FDataSocket.Bind(FLocalDataConnectionPort, bindHost); FDataSocket.Listen; if (FDataSocket.LocalAddress <> nil) and (FDataSocket.LocalAddress.Obj is TGMIPSocketAddress) then with FDataSocket.LocalAddress.Obj as TGMIPSocketAddress do begin portInt := GMSocketAPI.ntohs(IPAddress.IP4Port); ftpAddr := GMFormat('%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d', [IPAddress.IP4Addr.S_un_b.s_b1, IPAddress.IP4Addr.S_un_b.s_b2, IPAddress.IP4Addr.S_un_b.s_b3, IPAddress.IP4Addr.S_un_b.s_b4, portInt and $FF00 shr 8, portInt and $FF]); ExecCommandWithRetry('PORT ' + ftpAddr, '2'); end; end; end; procedure TGMFtpClient.AcceptDataConnection; {$IFDEF TLS_SUPPORT}var dataTlsSocket: IGMTlsSocket;{$ENDIF} begin if not PassiveMode then FDataSocket.AcceptAndTakeOver; {$IFDEF TLS_SUPPORT} if not (UseTls and FUseSecureDataConnections) then FDataConnection := FDataSocket else begin // FDataConnection := GMAddTlsLayer(FDataSocket, Self) FDataConnection := TGMOpenSslClientSocket.Create(FDataSocket, '', CertMessageEmitter); GMCheckQueryInterface(FDataConnection, IGMTlsSocket, dataTlsSocket); GMCopyTlsSession((GMObjFromIntf(FCmdStream) as TGMSocketStream).Socket, dataTlsSocket, Self); // dataTlsSocket.CopySession((GMObjFromIntf(FCmdStream) as TGMSocketStream).Socket); dataTlsSocket.ExecTlsNegotiation; end; {$ELSE} FDataConnection := FDataSocket; {$ENDIF} end; function TGMFtpClient.ExecDataCommandStr(ACommand, ASuccessCodes: RawByteString): TCmdResponse; begin PrepareDataConnection; Result := ExecCommandWithRetry(ACommand, ASuccessCodes); AcceptDataConnection; GMcheckPointerAssigned(Pointer(FDataConnection), RStrTheDataConnection, Self, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); end; procedure TGMFtpClient.List(const AListCmd: TFtpListCmd; const AEnumSink: IUnknown; const APath: AnsiString; const AEnumParam: Pointer; const AEnumItemKind: LongInt); const cCacheSize = 8192; var bufPos: LongInt; bufStr, line: AnsiString; attributes: IGMIntfCollection; tellIntf: IGMTellEnumIntf; dataStream: IStream; function ReadStr(var ADestStr: AnsiString; const AReadSeparators: Boolean; var ABufPos: LongInt): Boolean; var startPos: LongInt; found: Boolean; procedure ReadMore; var N: LongInt; begin SetLength(bufStr, cCacheSize); GMHrCheckObj(dataStream.Read(PAnsiChar(bufStr), Length(bufStr), Pointer(@N)), Self, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); // , RStrStreamRead + ': ' SetLength(bufStr, N); ABufPos := 1; end; begin Result := dataStream <> nil; if not Result then Exit; repeat startPos := ABufPos; if AReadSeparators then while (ABufPos <= Length(bufStr)) and (bufStr[ABufPos] in [#10, #13]) do Inc(ABufPos) else while (ABufPos <= Length(bufStr)) and not (bufStr[ABufPos] in [#10, #13]) do Inc(ABufPos); found := ABufPos <= Length(bufStr); if ABufPos > Length(bufStr) then begin ADestStr := ADestStr + Copy(bufStr, startPos, Length(bufStr) - startPos + 1); ReadMore; end; if Length(bufStr) <= 0 then Exit(False); // <- End of input stream! until found; ADestStr := ADestStr + Copy(bufStr, startPos, bufPos - startPos); end; function ReadNextLine(var ABufPos: LongInt): AnsiString; var sepStr: AnsiString; begin sepStr := ''; Result := ''; if not ReadStr(sepStr, True, ABufPos) then Exit; // <- End of input stream! if not ReadStr(Result, False, ABufPos) then Exit; // <- End of input stream! end; begin if not GMQueryInterface(AEnumSink, IGMTellEnumIntf, tellIntf) then Exit; ExecDataCommandStr(GMStringJoin(cFtpListCmd[AListCmd], ' ', PreparePath(APath)), '1'); // , AcceptDataConnection dataStream := TFtpDataStream.Create(Self); bufPos := 1; repeat line := ReadNextLine(bufPos); if Length(line) > 0 then begin GMTrace(line); attributes := TGMIntfArrayCollection.Create(False, True, GMCompareByName, True); // <- Always create a new collection, otherwise TFptRecursiveDeleter will have to make a copy //attributes.Clear; case AListCmd of flcMLSD: ParseMLSDLine(line, attributes, Self); else raise EGMFtpException.ObjError(GMFormat(RStrListKindNotImplementedFmt, [GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TFtpListCmd), Ord(AListCmd))]), Self, {$I %CurrentRoutine%}); end; tellIntf.TellEnumIntf(Self, AEnumItemKind, attributes, AEnumParam); end; until Length(line) <= 0; end; function TGMFtpClient.GetUploadStream(const AFilePath: TGMString): IStream; begin //ExecCommandWithRetry('TYPE I', '2'); // <- done only once after login instead ExecDataCommandStr('STOR ' + PreparePath(AFilePath), '1'); Result := TFtpDataStream.Create(Self); end; function TGMFtpClient.GetDownloadStream(const AFilePath: TGMString): IStream; begin //ExecCommandWithRetry('TYPE I', '2'); // <- done only once after login instead ExecDataCommandStr('RETR ' + PreparePath(AFilePath), '1'); Result := TFtpDataStream.Create(Self); end; procedure TGMFtpClient.ChangeDirectory(const ADirPath: TGMString); begin ExecCommandWithRetry('CWD ' + PreparePath(ADirPath), '2'); end; procedure TGMFtpClient.ChangeDirUp; begin ExecCommandWithRetry('CDUP', '2'); end; procedure TGMFtpClient.CreateDirectory(const ADirPath: TGMString); begin ExecCommandWithRetry('MKD ' + PreparePath(ADirPath), '2'); end; procedure TGMFtpClient.DeleteDirectory(const ADirPath: TGMString); begin ExecCommandWithRetry('RMD ' + PreparePath(ADirPath), '2'); end; procedure TGMFtpClient.DeleteFile(const AFilePath: TGMString); begin ExecCommandWithRetry('DELE ' + PreparePath(AFilePath), '2'); end; procedure TGMFtpClient.SetLastModTime(const AFileOrFolderPath: TGMString; const ALstModUTC: TDateTime); begin ExecCommandWithRetry('MFMT ' + FtpTimeValFromDateTime(ALstModUTC) + ' ' + PreparePath(AFileOrFolderPath), '2'); end; procedure TGMFtpClient.RenameEntry(const AExistingNamePath, ANewNamePath: TGMString); begin ExecCommandWithRetry('RNFR ' + PreparePath(AExistingNamePath), '3'); ExecCommandWithRetry('RNTO ' + PreparePath(ANewNamePath), '2'); end; end.