Problem Reports

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Problems with the components

  1. Create a samll Delphi application that reproduces the problem.
  2. Put all Source Files (*.dpr, *.dof, *.cfg, *.res, *.pas, *.dfm) of the application in a compressed archive file. For compatibility reasons make soure that the *.dfm files are in text and not in binary format. If the application needs a database add a small database with some dummy records in it. The database should contain all tables and fields that will be needed to run the application. The database doesn't need to contain more records than are necessary to reproduce the problem. Make sure that your application contains only components shipped with the following systems:
  3. Send an e-Mail with a description what the problem is and what must be done to reproduce it using the application in the compressed archive file attached to the mail.

Problems with the applications

  1. What is the problem.
  2. Which Windows version, which service packs.
  3. What must be done to reproduce the problem.
  4. If there is a GM exception dialog you may use the "copy to cliboard" or "send via mail" buttons to paste the exception information into the e-mail.
  5. Send an e-mail with all this information.

Problems with the Firebird and InterBase ODBC Driver

  1. Delete the current ODBC trace output file (shown by the windows ODBC administration Dialog).
  2. Turn on ODBC tracing in the windows ODBC administration Dialog.
  3. Reproduce the problem.
  4. Turn off ODBC tracing.
  5. Send an e-Mail with a description of the problem and attach the compressed ODBC trace file to it.


I will use 7-Zip to uncompress any compressed attachments you sent to me. In addition to standard ZIP compression 7-Zip can handle almost every known compression format. With the LZMA algorithm 7-Zip offers much better compression rates than ZIP does.

When writing a description of a problem try to keep it short and precise. The more precise your description is the faster the problem will be solved.

I will try to solve every Problem send to me. But some problems cannot be solved without contacting other Vendors. This may lead to longer delays.